
Showing posts from April, 2023

Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Senin 01 Mei 2023 II Bisakah Emas Menembus 199.. , Meskipun Masih Sideways


Strategi Paling Powerful dan Paling Berpotensi

Dalam trading forex dan komoditi, harga selalu bergerak naik dan turun karena adanya supply dan demand. Arah dari pergerakan harga tersebut bisa diperkirakan dengan cara melakukan analisa teknikal. Salah satu caranya dengan mengenali level support dan resistance. SNR adalah dasar dari analisis teknikal yang mudah dimengerti namun sulit untuk dikuasai. Para trader menggunakan SNR sebagai salah satu alat bantu utama dalam bertransaksi. SNR sangat penting dalam menentukan titik take profit dan stop loss. Masih banyak trader belum paham dan masih menganggap remeh SNR ini. Support dan Resistance akan sangat membantu jika para trader bisa dan mampu mengetahui dimana letaknya, karena SNR tersebut merupakan signal akurat yang menggambarkan kondisi pasar apakah pasar akan berlanjut atau koreksi. Support adalah level yang yang diperkirakan akan menahan pergerakan burrish (turun), sedangkan resistance merupakan level yang diperkirakan akan menahan pergerakan bullish (naik). Garis horizontal level

Technical Analysis For All Forex Pairs

Forex trading is an activity of buying and selling foreign currencies online to make a profit. The purpose of forex trading is to make a profit from the difference between the sales and purchases of a foreign currency. In Indonesia, forex is known as forex or foreign exchange and people who trade are called traders. Forex trading is also not only done by individuals but also by a group. For example, multinational companies, banks and countries carry out currency transactions in order to make a profit. They do this forex trading in a network called the forex market. Technical analysis is a price analysis approach that studies market activity using historical price data, including price charts, that have occurred in the past, to predict and anticipate future price movements. In this case, of course, the technical analyst must have data and price charts. Historical data used in technical analysis includes information on opening, closing, highs, lows, and trading volumes. In technical anal

Strategi Entry Menggunakan Karakter Candlestick di Forex

Trader pemula dan trader yang sudah lama terjun ke dunia trading pasti menginginkan untuk cepat mendapatkan profit dari trading, namun yang terjadi kebanyakan trader alami adalah rugi. Hal ini dikarenakan tidak memiliki strategi untuk melakukan entry. Sebagaimana yang telah diketahui, posisi entry adalah point yang penting dan sangat berpengaruh dalam menentukan hasil akhir dalam trading forex. Artinya, jika trader memasukkan posisi entry dengan presisi, maka hal tersebut akan menentukan hasil trading trader dalam jangka panjang. Dengan entry yang tepat pula maka akan membentuk risk/reward yang baik. Trader dapat memanfaatkan karakter candlestick untuk entry. Momentum Momentum merupakan kekuatan sebuah trend. Seorang trader sebaiknya tidak hanya tahu tentang arah trend, namun juga harus memastikan seberapa kuat momentum atau kekuatan trend tersebut. Ketika saat ini trader melihat kondisi trend sedang naik (uptrend), jangan terburu-buru memutuskan untuk buy. Sebab, bisa jadi beberapa sa

Fibonacci Retracement and How to Entry

If you are often involved in forex trading, you must be familiar with Fibonacci retracements. This analysis indicator is carried out by utilizing the Fibonacci golden ratio, an ancient mathematical arithmetical science that can help traders make profits when trading. Fibonacci Retracement is an indicator that is able to predict support and resistance levels. Through these indicators, traders can determine for themselves the best time to enter the forex market to get the maximum profit while deciding the price. Generally, this indicator is widely used by traders who play in the forex market. Retracements are known as short pullbacks or pullbacks from the market price of an asset in the world of trading. Generally, this condition is only temporary and does not cause harmful effects. Thus, Fibonacci Retracement is the total decrease in the price of an asset temporarily in the next period which is calculated based on the Fibonacci sequence. When carrying out technical analysis, the series

Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Jum'at 28 April '23 II Naik Profit, Turun Profit bisakah ...?


Cara yang Bisa Kalian Gunakan untuk Recovery Loss

Rugi saat trading merupakan hal yang wajar, namun jika dibiarkan terus menerus maka akan berdampak buruk bagi trader itu sendiri. Ketika mengalami kerugian, para trader biasanya panik kemudian melakukan penyuntikan dana tambahan untuk memperbesar margin, atau sebaliknya terburu-buru cut loss. Ketika mengalami kerugian dalam trading yaitu bagaimana menghadapinya atau trader dapat melakukan recovery. Recovery adalah bagian risk management yang sangat penting untuk dikuasai, tanpa mampu menguasai risk management atau melakukan recovery dengan baik, maka akan sangat sulit untuk bisa bertahan lama di dunia trading. Karena dengan melakukan recovery, para trader dapat mengurangi kerugian dan dapat memaksimalkan keuntungan serta minimal untuk balik modal. Di dalam market tidak ada yang bisa menebak pergerakan harga akan naik atau turun. Oleh karena itu, para trader harus bisa recovery ketika pasar berbalik agar tidak ada kerugian atau loss dalam trading. Tonton video lengkapnya dibawah ini!

Understanding Candle Characters To Determine Price Direction

Forex candlesticks are part of a technical analysis when trading. Candlestick trading is synonymous with a method developed in Japan in the 1700's for understanding large price movements. Candlestick formations in forex or price patterns are used by traders as entry and exit points when in the market. It can also be said, this forex candlestick is used as part of a technical analysis to analyze the current market. Forex candlesticks individually will form candle formations, such as hanging man, hammer, shooting star, and other candle formations. For this forex candlestick chart, it will form various price patterns such as triangles, slices, and also head and shoulders patterns. These candle patterns and formations can also be used in all trading matters such as equities or cryptocurrencies as well. Generally, to describe the condition of market prices that have increased (bullish) candlesticks, green or white candlesticks are used. Meanwhile, to describe a declining (bearish) marke

Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Kamis 27 April '23 II Menguji Retracement, Memanfaatkan Momentum Kecil


Membongkar Rahasia Karakter Candlestick dalam Trading Forex

Salah satu tipe grafik yang biasa digunakan oleh para trader adalah candlestick. Candlestick atau yang dalam bahasa indonesia disebut tongkat lilin merupakan grafik yang bisa menunjukkan harga pembukaan dan penutupan serta harga terendah dan tertinggi. Candlestick juga bisa menampilkan pergerakan harga sesuai dengan waktu yang diinginkan atau periode. Periode yang digunakan adalah per menit, lima menit, satu jam, harian, mingguan, atau bulanan. Satu candlestick akan menunjukkan waktu tergantung dari periode yang trader gunakan, apabila trader memakai periode satu minggu maka satu candlestick akan menunjukkan pergerakan satu minggu, dan lain sebagainya. Inilah beberapa karakteristik candlestick: Bentuk Candlestick Panjang ekor sebuah candlestick menunjukkan volatilitas pada pergerakan harga. Semakin panjang ekor candlestick mengindikasikan bahwa trader yang memegang kendali sempat menggerakkan harga cukup jauh sebelum ditolak akibat serangan balik dari trader lain. Semakin panjang ekor

When is the Forex Market Called a Trend?

In carrying out forex trading activities, traders have the freedom to choose a trading style that suits their character. However, for beginners, the trading style generally used is the type commonly used by most traders, namely the trend follow strategy. In the world of trading, a trend is a representation of market strength. Of course, you can't go against the market. If you are not friendly with the trend, that means you are expressing hostility to the market. Because it's impossible to fight the market, the only way is for you to follow where the market moves. To get maximum results, you must be able to identify an ongoing trend. Without a good understanding of trends, it is certain that you will experience difficulties in determining market entry positions. Unfortunately, trends are volatile and dynamic, so from time to time trends will continue to change. Trend itself has 3 movements, such as: uptrend, Downtrends, and Sideways. Watch the full video and details below! More

Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Rabu 26 April 2023 II Emas diperkirakan Masih Berada di Range 1971-2012


🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Rabu 19 April 2023 II Emas Masih akan Berada di Range 1986-2025


These 3 Things Can Be Profitable on Forex

Forex trading, also known as forex trading, is currency trading from different countries with the aim of making a profit. In this case, forex itself stands for Foreign Exchange or it can be called foreign exchange. On an international scale, foreign exchange or foreign exchange trading is often carried out by various parties, ranging from governments, central banks, multinational companies, to certain individuals who have large amounts of assets or big players. Currency buying and selling transactions that occur between various parties do not occur in a market with a physical building, but in an invisible network called the "forex market". Along with technological developments, forex trading can reach a wider scope. Through the internet, forex trading can now be done by anyone, anytime, and anywhere. Nowadays, everyone can trade forex. Trends One way to look for profit opportunities in forex trading is to detect price trends. In the world of trading, a trend is a representati

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Selasa 18 April 2023 II Menguji Validitas Trigger Reversal, Kuatkah Naik?


Calculating Capital For Trading For Living

Forex trading capital, to be able to make money, money is also needed, that's what is called a business. The amount of capital needed to be able to run a trading business depends on how much a trader wants to start making a profit from this business. The first thing to consider is how the trader will gain knowledge about forex trading. There are many ways to learn forex trading, including trading classes, having mentors, or attending seminars about forex trading. If a trader takes a private forex trading course or class room, at least the trader will incur a lot of money for this. Depending on the organizer, it can be several million or even tens of millions. Some of the advantages that traders can get are that traders will get into this business more quickly. If a trader doesn't want to spend a lot of money learning to trade forex and financial markets, then the trader has to spend a lot of time studying it. The more traders learn and focus on the forex market and several trad

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD hari ini Senin 17 April 2023


The Key To Success In Trading

Building a solid foundation to become a professional trader requires time and effort for traders to learn all aspects of the forex market. From the experience of ups and downs starting from a novice trader to what traders have achieved now, of course there are many lessons. If traders still feel lacking or maybe left behind, of course traders don't have to be discouraged. By remaining firm on the trader's goal of becoming a trader and being consistent in continuing to learn and self-evaluate, sooner or later the trader's goal will come true. Here's how to build a solid foundation for trading success: Psychology Trading psychology is one of the determinants of the continuity of the trading business that is undertaken. Because trading psychology is related to the trader himself. If trading psychology is still chaotic and emotions are still controlled in transactions. Like rushing to take profits and still waiting a long time if you experience a loss. Not only analysis det

Memahami Penggunaan Candlestick Bar Up dan Bar Down Untuk Prediksi Pergerakan Harga Forex

Pola candlestick adalah bagian dari analisa teknikal dalam trading saham, forex, maupun trading komoditas lainnya. Seiring waktu, ragam pola candlestick dalam trading semakin banyak variasinya, mulai dari pola satu batang candlestick, dua batang, tiga batang dan seterusnya. Candlestick merupakan jenis grafik harga yang digunakan trader untuk melihat harga sekuritas tinggi, rendah, terbuka, dan penutupan di periode-periode tertentu. Teknik candlestick ini haruslah dipahami dan dikuasai dengan baik oleh para trader dalam upaya mendapatkan keuntungan yang maksimal serta meminimalkan risiko kerugian. Karena dari pola candlestick inilah, para trader bisa memantau pergerakan harga yang sedang terjadi. Pola-pola candlestick menguntungkan akan mengikuti sistematika dari analisa teknikal pada umumnya, candlestick memiliki tingkat siaga berupa 'sinyal' dan 'konfirmasi'. Tingkat sinyal berarti candlestick tersebut telah membentuk satu pola yang akan menunjukkan pergerakan naik a

The Sequence of Doing Forex Technical Analysis

Forex trading is the activity of buying and selling foreign currencies online to make a profit. The purpose of forex trading is to make a profit from the difference between the sales and purchases of a foreign currency. In Indonesia, forex is known as forex or foreign exchange and people who trade are called traders. Trading activity, of course, really requires knowledge of price analysis. Price analysis is what you need, especially those that can help predict price movements in the short term. This is because trading itself takes place in a relatively short span of time. Technical Analysis answers this need. This is the sequence of doing technical analysis: Trends Trend in trading can be interpreted as the overall direction of the price movement of an asset within a certain period of time. In technical analysis, trends are identified using trend lines. Trend lines are often drawn by connecting the highest and lowest price points of an asset over a certain period of time. The goal is f

Strategi Manajemen Modal Untuk Trading Forex yang Efektif

Faktor kesuksesan dalam trading forex tidak hanya soal strategi teknikal saja. Namun, dibutuhkan money management yang baik juga. Money management memainkan peran penting dalam trading sehari-hari. Sebagai istilah, money management adalah bagaimana trader mengelola modal uang untuk mencapai tujuan trading, yang tentu saja adalah menghasilkan profit. Menerapkan manajemen keuangan yang baik adalah bagian penting untuk mewujudkan hasil trading yang diinginkan. Manajemen keuangan adalah salah satu elemen penting dari sistem trading yang lengkap. Dalam money management mencangkup berupa besar lot di setiap posisi trading, berapa jarak antara harga entry (open position) dengan stop loss (SL) dan target profit, serta berapa jumlah maksimal posisi trading yang akan trader buka dalam waktu bersamaan. Forex seperti yang trader tahu bisa memberikan keuntungan, namun tidak selamanya posisi trader akan profit terus menerus. Bisa jadi trader akan mengalami loss satu atau dua kali sebelum profit. Kem

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD hari ini Jum'at 14 April 2023


How to Trade Using Support and Resistance

Support and resistance is one of the key indicators of technical analysis. Technical analysis is needed to be able to recognize past patterns and predict future patterns. Traders use levels or support and resistance lines to identify price points on a forex chart. Support is the lower limit of price movements when buyers have a greater opportunity to appear again to buy shares. This is because traders think that the price is already in a low position so that it will make the price tend to go back up or rebound. Support is a line under the chart that can help provide information to traders when they are about to open a buy. A strong support level is indicated by a chart that approaches the line but does not exceed the support line. In this condition, traders can open buy positions. Resistance is a line that is above the chart or the upper price limit. The resistance line is generally used for strategies when selling. This is because the price pattern goes down when approaching the resis

Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Kamis 13 April 2023 II Meski Trend Masih Kuat hati-hati di Area-area Jenuh


Analysis Steps Using Price Action

The price action strategy is one of the most popular trading strategies by traders, both beginner and professional traders. The price action strategy is a modern technical analysis, which is a way of monitoring or analyzing the market by looking at the candle patterns on the chart. This strategy is also known as the naked trading strategy or a strategy that does not rely on indicators. The price action strategy only relies on candlestick patterns, harmonic patterns, and support and resistance lines. Related to its function, in general price action is useful in helping traders to read and predict market conditions. This can then become the basis for making subjective decisions on the basis of recent and actual price movements. That way, trading or trading activities that are carried out are able to run and provide more definite and promising profit potential. Any global news or events that have a direct impact on the market will be reflected in graphical form. In other words, only with

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini 12 April 2023 II Jelang Pengumuman Tingkat Inflasi, Emas Masih Menguat...


Important Notes on Risk Management

Forex trading is a form of every business that contains a fairly high risk potential. Even though the risk cannot be eliminated, it can still be controlled. Including behind the risks of trading traders, the profit opportunities offered are no less high. To maximize the profit opportunities that exist and at the same time minimize the occurrence of risks, risk management is needed or what is commonly known as 'risk management'. One of the keys to success in learning to trade forex is risk management. Risk management is one of the most important pillars of forex trading. A trader should think about this before starting. This is not a matter of how much profit a trader can achieve, but how long a trader can survive in the highly competitive forex market. Often see examples of cases where a trader has a good trading strategy. Even so, the transaction made was not a profit, but a loss. Watch the full video below! More info :  Free material soft copy contact 081 258 066 174 wa/call 

Mudah Trading Forex dengan Analisa Teknikal Price Action

Demi mengoptimalkan potensi keuntungan dalam trading forex, banyak trader rela mempelajari dan mencoba beragam strategi. Semakin jauh mereka terjebak dalam pencarian strategi forex terbaik, semakin banyak dan rumit pula teknik yang mereka cari. Padahal, untuk bisa mengidentifikasi pergerakan berikutnya, ada metode sederhana yang dapat diandalkan yaitu price action. Price action adalah studi atau analisa pergerakan harga di pasar. Trader menggunakan indikator ini untuk membentuk opini dan keputusan dasar pada trend, tingkat harga utama dan manajemen risiko yang sesuai. Identifikasi trend sering digunakan sebagai langkah awal dalam trading price action. Price action, dalam hal ini, dimaknai sebagai pola pergerakan harga, dan kadang sebagai indikator sendiri. Trader harus pandai membaca apa yang terjadi pada harga sebelum memakai indikator sebenarnya. Saat trend ditemukan, trader lalu bisa berkonsultasi ke indikator untuk melihat sinyal entry yang searah tren. Dalam pemahaman teknik price

Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Selasa 11 April 2023


Trading Techniques Using Candlestick Patterns

Over time, there are more and more variations of candlestick patterns in forex trading, ranging from one candlestick pattern, two bars, three bars and so on. Candlestick patterns are an ancient Japanese diagramming method for increasing calculation accuracy. This method reflects the impact of investor sentiment on prices. This analysis is usually done to determine the exact time when to enter and exit a trade. This method "must" be understood by traders because it is one of the smart strategies in investing. However, it still needs to be noted that the analysis with this pattern is included in the directional category. This means that this analysis also relies on the trader's subjective intuition in understanding various patterns. This method can produce consistent profits if it is accompanied by the trader's experience and flying hours. Marubozu This Marubozu candle pattern occurs when there is a full body without a shadow. This form indicates a market that is very c

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Senin 10 April 2023


Cara Sukses Entry Forex Menggunakan Strategi Retracement

Dalam memperkirakan pergerakan harga currency pair, trader bisa menggunakan garis trend yang menghubungkan satu titik harga dengan titik yang lainnya. Namun sayangnya, garis trend ini bisa terganggu oleh dua hal yaitu reversal dan retracement. Retracement adalah perubahan tren harga dalam waktu singkat. Dengan kata lain, retracement sama dengan koreksi. Misalnya, trend harga yang awalnya naik lalu turun sebentar dan naik lagi, maka penurunan tersebut dinamakan retracement. Retracement bisa terjadi karena ada sebagian trader yang melakukan take profit atau cut loss, tetapi sebagian besar trader lainnya masih memegang posisi mereka sehingga ada kenaikan atau penurunan harga aset dalam waktu singkat. Retracement bertujuan untuk menguji kuat naik atau turun, sehingga tren akan ketemu berbalik atau tidak. Biasanya pergerakan retracement kurang dari 50% ketika sudah diatas 75% retracement akan lanjut. Retracement bersifat sementara, hanya berlangsung dalam jangka pendek atau beberapa hari. R

🔴 Analisa GBP-USD Hari ini Jum'at 07 April 2023


🔴 Analisa EUR-USD Hari ini Jum'at 07 April 2023


The Core To Be Ready To Become A Professional Trader

In the world of forex trading, it is clear that all these business people want to become professional traders and can always be successful in all their trading activities. Lots of traders who want to achieve big profits in the shortest possible time. However, sometimes the approach used to achieve this is not appropriate. There are several tips that traders should pay attention to if they want to become a trader who can generate profits consistently over a long period of time. These tips include: Realistic The trader must instill an understanding in the trader's mind that profit will not come as easily and quickly as one thinks and the trader must accept this fact. Most people who then decide to jump into the world of trading want to be free from their daily work routine and want to be free from all kinds of financial problems. That is not an impossible thing to achieve, but traders need to remember that in the world of trading traders also need to trade regularly and consistently

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD hari ini Kamis 06 April 2023


Optimalkan Trading dengan Strategi Support dan Resistance Untuk Entry

Dalam forex, arah pergerakan harga selalu mengalami perubahan. Tidak mungkin harga terus naik atau terus turun untuk selamanya. Pasti akan ada suatu titik dimana pergerakan harga berubah arah. Titik-titik perubahan arah inilah yang disebut dengan support resistance. Menentukan support dan resistance merupakan perkara krusial bagi setiap trader forex, karena keduanya menandai lokasi-lokasi dimana harga paling mungkin untuk mengalami pergerakan signifikan. Secara lebih terperinci, dalam cara menentukan support dan resistance, secara sederhana kebanyakan trader menggunakan 3 opsi, yaitu level psikologis, level swing high dan swing low, serta level yang dihitung berdasarkan pivot point. Secara sederhana, support dan resistance di ibaratkan sebagai dua atribut yang paling banyak dibahas dalam analisis dimana support adalah level yang berpotensi menahan penurunan harga. Sedangkan resistance adalah area level yang berpotensi menahan kenaikan harga. Level-level ini digunakan untuk menentukan a

Analisa XAU-USD hari ini Rabu 05 April 2023 II Emas Masih akan tertahan di ... sampai Rilis data AS


🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Selasa 04 April 2023 II Menunggu Breakout Area Sideways


How to Swing Trading in the Forex Market

Swing trading is a forex strategy that focuses on analysis of price swing patterns. Traders who use this technique take opportunities to sell at the highest price swing with a close target at the lowest price swing, or look for buy opportunities at the lowest price swing with a close target at the highest price swing. Thus, the profit obtained from each trading position will be truly optimal. In forex trading, swing trading strategies work well on highly liquid currency pairs such as GBP/USD, EUR/USD, and USD/JPY. When trading, traders simply buy and set profit targets with further limits. Setting profit targets in swing trading is usually greater than day trading targets, so it takes several days to weeks for the price to touch the selling target. The goal of swing trading is to collect maximum profit in one entry. To get it, swing traders prioritize signal validity in taking every action. Thus, the opportunities from this forex strategy do not appear as often as signals from short-te

🔴 Analisa GOLD / XAU-USD Hari ini Senin 03 April 2023


Strategi Breakout Forex Untuk Konfirmasi Entry yang Akurat

Breakout trading menjadi salah satu strategi para trader dalam melakukan trading itu sendiri. Breakout adalah bagian dari analisis teknis yang memungkinkan investor dan analis untuk menentukan apakah harga sekuritas akan bergerak lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah setelah menembus apa yang dikenal sebagai level resistance dan support. Momen breakout sering dinanti oleh para trader, khususnya mereka yang mengikuti strategi trend following. Hal itu karena, breakout trading yang terkonfirmasi seringkali diikuti oleh penguatan trend secara signifikan, sehingga cara ini menjadi andalan para trader yang ingin mendapatkan keuntungan maksimal. Prinsip utama dalam breakout trading adalah buy di atas harga tertinggi (ditandai dengan resistance) atau sell di bawah harga terendah (support). Breakout harus menembus support dan resistance artinya harus melebihi support dan resistance dengan candle yang penuh kemudian sudah tertutup dan ganti candle baru. Dalam dunia trading, support dan resistance ti