
Showing posts from May, 2023

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini, Bullish Waspadai 1985 jika tidak menembus maka berpotensi Anjlok di...


The Basic Concepts of Forex Trading You Need to Understand!!

The foreign exchange market, or commonly referred to as forex, is a decentralized market that facilitates buying (buying) and selling (selling) various currencies. Without realizing it, many have participated in the foreign exchange market. Many traders are interested in forex including the breadth of the forex market, a variety of currencies that can be traded, quite a variety of volatility levels, low transaction fees, and trading time for 24 hours a week. The basic concept of trading is quite simple. Professional traders not only understand the trading system but are able to choose the right trading system and are able to control their psychology. Each trader has different trades, the most important thing is to know the basics, not just selling and buying. In trading it is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand which is just buying and selling, but it requires a long process. This long process everyone has different experiences, ways of absorbing it, and different ways of devel

How to Use a Demo Account to Build a Trading Instinct

In the world of trading, the demo account feature is one that traders should try, especially as beginners who don't understand how the market mechanism works. Developments in technology and the internet have had a huge impact on the world of trading, one of which allows people to try trading simulation accounts with real market data. Many brokers and financial media, especially in the forex and stock markets, provide demo trading simulation account facilities, which allow traders to easily register and "taste" demo trading, just like fruit traders who give fruit testers. The demo account itself is an account that traders can use as a medium for learning. On this account, the money traders use is pretend (virtual) money, not real money. To try it traders do not have to have money, because traders can enjoy a demo account for free and be satisfied. Here are the advantages of learning to trade here: 1. Train the ability to analyze the market. 2. Familiarize yourself with mar

Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Jum'at 26 Mei '23 II Menguji 'Validitas' Engulfing hingga Level Terdekatnya


Important Points in Using Price Action

In order to optimize profit potential in forex trading, many traders are willing to learn and try various strategies. The further a trader gets caught up in the search for the best forex strategy, the more and more complicated the techniques traders are looking for. In fact, to be able to identify the next movement, there is a simple method that can be relied upon, namely the price action technique. Price action technique is an analysis technique by observing the pattern of price movement as it is on the chart. Does not require any indicators, but relies on support resistance and moving averages as the basis for signal confirmation. Price Action is a trading technique that allows traders to read the market. Traders are also required to make subjective trading decisions based on recent and actual price movements, instead of relying solely on technical indicators. This trading strategy relies on technical analysis tools. Thus, traders ignore the factors of fundamental analysis and focus

🔴 Analisa Hari Ini Kamis 25 Mei 2023 ❗❗ Ketika di Level Support akankah Kembali 'Bullish' ...?


Analisa XAUUSD hari ini II Pola Reversal 'Loss Momentum' II Saatnya Entry dan Nikmati Profitnya...


Mandatory Things in the Trading System

Forex is a foreign currency exchange transaction. This term is better known as foreign currency or forex in Indonesian. The occurrence of this foreign exchange is none other than because of the need for foreign currency, such as traveling abroad, shopping for goods from abroad, and so on. Before plunging into the world of trading, make sure the trader has a trading system. The trading system has an important role in trading in the form of rules of the game that are suitable for traders. It's possible that everyone has a different trading system. Even though they have a different trading system, they must have a concept that must be used as a reference. The trading system is the rules of the game for traders later, when do you want to enter, when do you want to get out, how much to take profit, how much is planned for the market if it changes or reverses direction, and how much loss must be tolerated. Watch the full video and details below! More info :  Free material soft copy conta

The Simplest Forex Analysis

A trader, especially a beginner, to determine the right analysis in his trading is a difficult thing because it determines his success in trading. Using the wrong analysis or not according to trading, can cause losses or losses. Therefore, traders must understand and master in analyzing the market. Step by step analyzing the market at the beginning of the opening of the market is something that needs to be done first. Even though you don't have to enter at that time, at least the traders have read the direction of market movement. So for entry in it, just waiting for opportunities. There is a lot of debate going on between traders about the method of analysis used. But lately there has been a lot of discussion about how these two analyzes are used. Both analyzes are of course a tool to get profit. Each trader has his own assessment and suitability of the two analyses. Technical Analysis Technical analysis is analysis that uses price patterns and technical tools in its analysis, and

Indicator To Find Daily Range

One of the strategies commonly used by forex traders is to use the daily average range. Many argue that if the price has moved and reached its daily range then it's time to open a position. This means that if the price moves up and has reached the daily average range then it's time to sell, and vice versa. Some opinions state that it is not safe if the daily average range is used as a reference for opening positions because traders can only get information, at least an estimate, of how much price volatility is on that day. Traders cannot know how many pips the price will actually go up or down. Price movements are often very influenced by fundamental factors. That is, even though traders know that the daily average range is for example 1000 pips, if the country's central bank later announces that traders will cut interest rates, it is possible that the market will move more than 1000 pips. The range trading strategy is the simplest alternative strategy to implement. With pr

2 Hal Utama Untuk Memahami Pergerakan Harga Forex

Istilah forex mungkin menjadi tidak asing jika trader memasuki dunia investasi sebab trading forex banyak disebut sebagai ladang penghasil uang yang menjanjikan. Meskipun begitu, bukan berarti setiap orang bisa dipastikan untung saat melakukan trading forex ini. Forex adalah perdagangan satu mata uang dengan mata uang lainnya. Transaksi forex ini terjadi di pasar forex atau juga dikenal sebagai pasar valas. Pasar forex adalah pasar terbesar dan paling likuid di dunia berdasarkan volume perdagangan hariannya. Sebagian besar perdagangan dilakukan melalui bank, broker, dan lembaga keuangan. Dalam trading forex, terdapat beberapa analisa yaitu analisa teknikal dan analisa fundamental. Level SNR Support dan resistance di ibaratkan sebagai dua atribut yang paling banyak dibahas dalam analisis dimana support adalah level yang berpotensi menahan penurunan harga. Sedangkan resistance adalah area level yang berpotensi menahan kenaikan harga. Level ini digunakan untuk menentukan apakah harga akan

The Key to Becoming a Successful Day Trader

In trading and forex, there are lots of strategies that traders can use. One way is to choose day trading, aka open and close positions on the same day. Day trading or daily trading is a step to buy and sell forex on the same day. This means that positions opened on that day are not transferred to the next trading session or the following day. By making these short transactions, traders will get a small profit, but if done regularly it will be quite tempting. Day traders have 2 important functions in the market. First, day traders maintain market efficiency through arbitrage. Second, it helps provide a lot of market liquidity. In addition to the two functions above, day traders also have characteristics and capital that traders need to know, namely day trading has experience about the market. Usually day traders already understand the market fundamentals well. Apart from that, day traders also have strategies that traders can use such as news trading, swing trading, and arbitrage. Day

3 Basic Foundations For Success in Trading

Forex trading is known as an active financial strengthening activity. Trading is different from investing whose activities tend to be passive. Even so, both forex trading and forex investment are considered capable of bringing promising benefits. Many people have started to be interested in learning forex trading in order to increase their financial strength in the future. However, it should be realized that forex trading has a very high risk. So traders need to have the basics of forex trading. Building a solid foundation to become a professional trader requires time and effort for traders to learn all aspects of the forex market. From the experience of ups and downs starting from a novice trader to what traders have achieved now, of course there are many lessons. If traders still feel lacking or maybe left behind, of course traders don't have to be discouraged. By remaining firm on the trader's goal of becoming a trader and being consistent in continuing to learn and self-eva

Menguji Resisten Terdekat II Menunggu Momentum di TF Kecil (Analisa XAU Hari ini Jum'at 19 Mei '23)


Hal yang Menyebabkan Psikologi Trading Hancur

Dalam trading, pada umumnya melibatkan emosi. Banyak trader yang gagal dalam trading karena tidak mampu menguasai emosi. Tingkat kecerdasan tidak akan terlalu berguna dalam trading jika para trader tidak mampu menguasai emosi yang dimiliki. Keberhasilan seorang trader karena mampu menguasai emosi yang baik sehingga mendulang profit yang lebih banyak. Di market, pergerakan harga dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor yang penuh dengan ketidakpastian. Oleh karena itu, mampu analisa saja tidak cukup, tetapi harus dilengkapi dengan kesiapan mental, dan psikologi trading. Inilah beberapa hal yang menyebabkan psikologi trading hancur Over Trade Banyak trader yang secara alami cenderung untuk kecanduan trading atau lebih tepatnya tidak sanggup melepaskan diri meski sejenak dari pasar. Seperti sebagian orang yang tidak bisa lepas menonton TV atau main game online, trading sering kali dianggap sebagai kebiasaan yang memberi kepuasan emosi. Ini adalah kesalahan serius. Over trade adalah membuka transaks

Analisa XAU USD hari ini Kamis, 18 Mei 2023


Psikologi Trading Forex: Rahasia Sukses Bertrading dari Segi Mental

Trading forex merupakan salah satu investasi perdagangan mata uang dari berbagai negara yang berbeda. Trading forex juga merupakan salah satu cara paling menarik untuk menghasilkan uang. Oleh karena itu, banyak para trader yang mengalami gangguan psikologi seperti rasa takut, keserakahan dan penyesalan dari setiap keputusan yang diambil. Pengetahuan seorang trader tidak hanya berhenti pada analisa saja, melainkan harus dilengkapi dengan kesiapan mental. Maka dari itu, terdapat istilah yang bernama psikologi trading. Psikologi trading ini nantinya akan mempengaruhi cara berpikir seseorang yang kemudian dijalankan dengan perilaku mengambil keputusan. Psikologi trading diperkirakan dapat berkontribusi sebanyak 60% untuk kesuksesan trading seorang trader, jauh lebih besar jika dibandingkan dengan faktor lainnya, yaitu 10% berasal dari strategi trading dan 30% sisanya berasal dari penerapan money management atau pengaturan risiko trading. Kontribusi besar dari pengaturan psikologi trading y

Lots Safe and Ideal For Day Trading

The definition of a lot in trading is the number of units in a unit of measure for trading transactions in certain financial instruments in the money market. Lots in forex function to make it easier for traders to calculate the profit or loss of a transaction by multiplying the lot size with the smallest unit of transaction size. The smallest unit in forex trading is called pips. In forex, the number of units in a standard lot is 100,000 units of the base currency. If the base currency used is US Dollars, then it can be said that 1 lot is a nominal value consisting of $ 100,000. However, apart from standard lots, there are also mini lots, micro lots, and nano lots. The following is the order of the number of units: 1 Standard lot = $100,000 1 Mini lot = $10,000 1 Micro lot = $1,000 1 Lot nano = $100 These lot sizes need attention, because they include trading rules that novice traders need to know: 1. One lot is the smallest size we can trade. That is, the bigger the lot, the bigger th

Simple Ways to Determine Trend Forex Market

In carrying out forex trading activities, traders have the freedom to choose a trading style that suits their character. However, for beginners, the trading style generally used is the type commonly used by most traders, namely the trend follow strategy. To get maximum results, traders must be able to identify an ongoing trend. Without a good understanding of trends, it is certain that traders will have difficulty determining market entry positions. Unfortunately, trends are volatile and dynamic, so from time to time trends will continue to change. Determining Minor Trends Trends that are temporary and so on return to the main trend or continue the actual trend, the minor trend is the opposite price movement from the big trend time frame (major trend), usually minor trend movements are due to consolidation, or retrace on the time frame big, reversal, so if you look at the small time frame it looks like a trend is forming but only temporary and limited and then returns to follow the dir

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Rabu 17 Mei 2023 II Mampukah Emas Kembali Menembus 2014...?🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Rabu 17 Mei 2023 II Mampukah Emas Kembali Menembus 2014...?


The Right Way of Forex Analysis for Beginners

There are 2 types of forex trading analysis, namely technical analysis and fundamental analysis. Some traders rely more on forex trading tricks with technical analysis, others consider fundamental analysis more important. However, many also think that the two analyzes can be used together. Then, how to apply this fundamental and technical analysis? Technical Analysis Technical analysis is analysis that is usually used by traders to help buy and sell decisions in trading stocks, forex, gold or commodities. Technical analysis is a price analysis approach that studies market activity using historical price data, including price charts, that have occurred in the past, to predict and anticipate future price movements. In this case, of course, technical analysis must have data and price charts. Historical data used in technical analysis includes information on opening, closing, highs, lows, and trading volumes. Fundamental Analysis Forex fundamental analysis is basically a non-technical anal

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Selasa 16 Mei '23 II Menguji Penolakan Seller saat Trend Masih Kuat Naik


Cara Entry Trading Forex Supply dan Demand

Supply dan demand adalah penentu harga, harga apapun. Trader yang memahami dinamika permintaan dan penawaran lebih siap untuk memahami pergerakan harga saat ini dan masa depan di pasar forex. Pada dasarnya, supply ini adalah jumlah dari barang yang telah tersedia di satu waktu pada pasar, sedangkan untuk demand sendiri adalah jumlah dari barang yang diinginkan pada satu waktu itu. Agar tidak mengalami sebuah kerugian yang membengkak, maka trader akan menurunkan harga dari barang yang dijualnya agar minat para pembeli mereka bisa kembali naik. Begitu juga sebaliknya, kurangnya dari ketersediaan barang dan juga tingginya dari permintaan akan menaikkan nilai dari barang tersebut. Begitu juga dengan instrumen forex. Pada pasangan mata uang EUR/USD sendiri akan dilambangkan harga Euro terhadap Dolar AS. Jika EUR/USD sedang mengalami penurunan pada saat ini, maka kebanyakan orang-orang bisa beranggapan bahwa USD tersebut sedang mengalami penguatan. Nyatanya, harga tersebut dapat turun dikare

Trading With the Moving Average on the M15 Time Frame

Moving averages are very popular because of their ease of use and their many uses when trading. However, there are a number of popular simple moving averages, each of which will be dictated by the trading style and preferred time frame when trading. A smaller, faster Simple Moving Average as an entry trigger and a longer, slower moving average as a clear trend filter. Moving averages are easy to use and effective in identifying corrective trends, ranges or environments. Often traders will use more than one moving average because two moving averages can be used as trend triggers. In other words, when the moving average is longer and slower, it can be seen as a cue to enter a long position. The long trading bias remains until the moving average reverses or the target is reached. Functions of the Moving Average Indicator 1. Refine price movements within a certain timeframe, making it easier to identify trends or the direction of price movements. 2. As a reference for determining support a

The Potential and Risks of Forex Trading

Forex trading is a form of business that contains a fairly high risk potential. Even though the risk cannot be eliminated by a trader, it can still be "controlled". Including behind the risks of trading traders, the profit opportunities offered are no less high. To maximize the profit opportunities that exist and at the same time minimize the occurrence of risks, risk management is needed or what is commonly known as 'risk management'. One of the keys to success in learning to trade forex is risk management. Risk management is one of the most important pillars of forex trading. A trader should think about this before starting. This is not a matter of how much profit a trader can achieve, but how long a trader can survive in the highly competitive forex market. Often see examples of cases where a trader has a good trading strategy. Even so, the transaction made was not a profit, but a loss. Watch the full video and details below! More info :  Free material soft copy co

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD hari ini Jum'at '23 II Peluang Besar 'Reversal' Yang tak Banyak diketahui


The Importance of Focusing on Process

Forex trading is a business that requires a high level of skill. Even a professional trader takes a long time to become successful. Many people think that being a trader who can make a lot of money when trading is easy and doesn't require hard work. This is an incorrect statement. Trading is one of the most difficult and toughest jobs in the world because it requires a hard process and training. Forex trading is currency trading from different countries with the aim of making a profit. Market movements in the forex trading market are unpredictable. Therefore, before deciding to enter the world of trading, traders must have trading knowledge and be patient in the trading process. The process of learning to trade is not enough for one or two years to become rich. There is a lot of knowledge to be learned about trading. All successful people in any profession need years to learn to accumulate knowledge, hone skills by doing trial and error, go through a series of failures and in the e

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Kamis 11 Mei 2023 II Strategi Entri Saat Terbentuk Pola Spinning


Strategi Retracement Sederhana Untuk Entry

Area retracement merupakan area dimana harga kan terkoreksi. Area tersebut bisa dimanfaatkan untuk take profit. Retracement bertujuan untuk menguji kuat naik atau turun, sehingga tren akan berbalik atau tidak. Retracement bersifat sementara, hanya berlangsung dalam jangka pendek atau beberapa hari. Retracement hanya merupakan koreksi kecil dalam tren yang lebih besar karena tak ada perubahan outlook fundamental. Sebelum muncul sinyal reversal, maka grafik harga yang mengalami retracement pasti akan berbalik ke tren asalnya. Retracement bearish akan terjadi di tengah tren bullish, sedangkan retracement bullish akan terjadi di tengah tren bearish. Terdapat beberapa tanda retracement yaitu harga berada dekat level psikologis tertentu, tetapi level psikologis tersebut bukan merupakan level resistance penting dalam jangka panjang.  Retracement adalah perubahan trend harga dalam waktu singkat. Dengan kata lain, retracement sama dengan koreksi. Retracement bertujuan untuk menguji kuat naik at

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Rabu 10 Mei '23 II Strategi 'Jitu' Saat Harga Tinggi


Reversal Concept in Forex Trading

The term forex may become familiar if traders enter the investment world because forex trading is widely referred to as a promising money-making field. Even so, it does not mean that everyone can be sure to profit when trading this forex. One way to look for profit opportunities in forex trading is to detect price trends. Reversal is a permanent price reversal. This means that the price reversal is not just an instant, but can occur continuously in a longer timeframe. A reversal can mean a change from a bearish trend to a bullish one, or a change from a bullish trend to a bearish one. The important thing is that this trend change lasts continuously for a long time and can be seen in real time on the Daily time frame or higher. Reversals often occur in intraday trading and are usually fast. But it can also last for days, weeks or even years. Reversals on different time-frames are suitable for different traders. Intraday reversals on charts with a 5-minute time-frame are not a problem fo

🔴Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Selasa 09 Mei '23


How to Trade With the Trend Channel

Trend is a series of price records in graphical form with a tendency to go up (uptrend) or down (downtrend). If you are a novice trader who is not too familiar with forex indicators, the easiest way to detect trend strength is to observe the high and low shifts on a chart or candlestick chart. To measure the strength of a trend, traders only need to analyze high positions during an uptrend and low positions during a downtrend. If traders see a higher high, or a new high that is higher than the previous high, it means that the uptrend is still strong. How to recognize trend changes is very important to understand so that traders can know how the forex market conditions are well. In trading, being late to recognize trend changes can be fatal to a trader's capital. Trends are a representation of market forces and it is not easy to trade forex against the market, it is even impossible to do because it can create hostility to market trends. Traders must identify ongoing trends to get ma

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Senin 08 Mei '23 II Mampukah USD 'Melawan Pengaruh Ekonomi Global'...?


Lots Safe and Ideal For Day Trading

The world of trading which is increasingly in demand has a variety of terms that need to be learned to be able to use them properly. One term that is often and important to use is lot. Lot in forex trading means the number of currency units traded. There are several types of lots in forex, judging by their sizes, ranging from standard, mini and micro lots. The smaller the lot in forex will mean that there will be less profit for the trader to earn for every percentage price movement, but more importantly, it will also reduce the potential for losses that can wipe out the trader's entire capital, confidence, and end a trader's trading career. For a number of reasons also based on the history of forex trading, currency pairs are usually traded in a standard lot size unit worth 100,000 units of the base currency (1 lot of forex is equal to 100,000 units of base currency). To make forex trading more affordable for individual traders, online retail forex brokers provide a mini accou

Understanding the Character of Candlestick Forms

Candlestick characters are the simplest and most accurate indicators that traders can use to make transactions easier. It is important for traders to read in detail the characteristics of the candlesticks so they can understand the messages and information contained in each candle movement itself. Candlestick is known for its shape which resembles a candle stick. The characteristics of this candle will greatly support accurate reading of market opportunities. Reading candlesticks is not arbitrary, just memorizing and knowing the formations. Traders need to know the big picture of how to read candlesticks, because each candle is able to inform the price structure, the strength of the trend dynamics of buyers against sellers, and projected price directions that will move later. Generally, to describe the condition of market prices that have increased (bullish) candlesticks, green or white candlesticks are used. Meanwhile, to describe a declining (bearish) market price, the candlestick us

Emas Berpotensi Terkoreksi, Meski Berat untuk Bergerak di Bawah Harga 2000, Namun Jangan Abaikan ...


Entry and Exit Tutorials in the Forex Market

The big question that often arises when you have mastered technical and fundamental techniques is when is the right time to open a transaction or entry, not only that but traders must also be required to understand when and under what conditions to exit immediately, and when the market reverses where must put a stop loss point. It is necessary to note what are the entry and exit rules in our trading so that everything becomes neatly structured so that it becomes a system that can be used for the stability of our movements and strategies. In trading, you need to make entry and exit rules. Forex entry is a position in which the trader must enter the foreign exchange or foreign exchange buying and selling market. Exit forex is the opposite of entry force, so it can be interpreted that exit forex is a position where traders have to get out of the foreign exchange buying and selling market. Doing forex entry and exit is indeed a tricky thing. Because doing so requires in-depth analysis so t

Analisa XAU-USD hari ini Kamis 04 Mei '23 II Trend Masih Kuat Mampukah Menembus 2 Level Sebelumnya ?


Determine Trigger/confirmation for Entry

After analyzing the market direction and getting the results of the analysis, the next step is to wait for confirmation or triggers to appear to strengthen trader entries. The use of this trigger will minimize the trader's entry being exposed to floating for too long. A trigger is a market condition, such as an increase or decrease in the price of an index or security that triggers a trading sequence. Triggers are used to automate certain types of trades. Triggers help traders automate a trader's entry and exit strategy too early, too late, or to make trades they shouldn't. Traders need triggers in real time to let traders know that now is the time to act. Before trading, traders can have one or several decision zones, after which they are patient and wait for the price to reach these zones. Once price reaches these zones, traders can look for triggers and confirmation patterns, which are when price action confirms breakouts and bounces. Confirmation patterns are candlestic

Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Rabu 03 Mei '23 II Hati-hati Pullback Emas pasca Koreksi


The Best Trading Platform Used by Many Forex Traders

Trading platforms are software used for trading, enabling investors or traders to trade and monitor accounts through financial intermediaries. Generally, trading platforms are often offered by brokers either free of charge or at a discount as a form of reward for having traders maintain a funded account for trading. Simply put, a trading platform is software that can facilitate transactions on the forex market. Many traders are starting to look at using a trading platform because it has the features needed to facilitate and maximize trading such as realtime quotes, charts, news and feedback, as well as premium technical analysis. Trading platforms are software that allow investors and traders to trade and monitor accounts through financial intermediaries. Often, these platforms will be bundled with other features, such as realtime quotes, charts, news and feedback, and premium technical analysis. The best trading platforms can also be specifically tailored to specific markets, such as

Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Selasa 02 Mei '23 II Emas Berpotensi Bullish Hingga... Meski Penolakan Kuat


Cara Memanfaatkan Range Harian dalam Trading Forex untuk Pemula

Salah satu strategi yang biasa digunakan trader forex adalah dengan memanfaatkan range rata-rata harian. Banyak yang berpendapat bahwa jika harga telah bergerak dan mencapai range hariannya maka itulah waktunya untuk membuka posisi. Artinya jika harga bergerak naik dan telah mencapai range rata-rata harian maka itu saatnya untuk sell, dan sebaliknya. Range merupakan kemampuan pergerakan harga dalam satu periode tertentu. Range ini harus dijadikan patokan agar tidak salah dalam melakukan entry. Range merupakan salah satu strategi yang biasa digunakan oleh para trader, ketika harga telah bergerak dan mencapai range maka itulah waktunya untuk membuka posisi. Artinya jika harga bergerak naik dan telah mencapai range rata-rata harian maka itu saatnya untuk sell, dan sebaliknya. Pergerakan atau range harian biasanya dilihat dari D1 agar gampang. Dengan cara ini, para trader tetap bisa mempertahankan posisi dan kembali menganalisis reaksi pasar ketika harga mencapai range rata-rata hariannya.

Be Careful❗❗ Miscalculate Messy Trading Pips ❗❗

Pip stands for point in percentage. Pip is the smallest point unit to represent price changes in forex trading. Therefore, the accumulation of profits and losses during the current position following price movements in forex is also calculated in pips / in the plural it is called pips. PIP is the last tens value in a currency pair. In most currency pairs 1 pips is equal to 0.0001. So, when a trader buys EUR/USD at 1.5200 and sells at 1.5201, that means the trader earns 1 pip. Of course, each currency pair has a different value, for example there is a USD/JPY pair whose price is shown only 2 decimal places after the comma, while others are 4 decimal places like EUR/USD earlier. The most important thing is to know how to calculate the content of each pip. Watch the full video and details below! More info :  Free material soft copy contact 081 258 066 174 wa/call  Private info / paid premium class (guided forever until consistent profit and independent).  Whatsapp/call 081 233 593 672 Or