
Showing posts from June, 2022

Analisa Untuk 'Swing Trading' Terbatas

Swing trading adalah strategi untuk memperoleh keuntungan maksimal pada trading. Swing trading merupakan tipe trading yang menggunakan konsep dasar beli di swing low, dan jual di swing high. Teori swing trading ini memang terdengar mudah, tapi pada praktiknya tidak semudah yang dibayangkan. Swing trading bahkan menjadi tipe trading paling sulit karena tidak adanya indikator yang pasti ketika harga ada di bottom dan ada di puncak, kedua kondisi ini sebenarnya masih dalam imajinasi trader. Maka dari itu, ketika trader menggunakan swing trading ini, trader akan dipaksa untuk berkhayal tentang posisi apakah benar-benar sudah di posisi bottom. Tujuan swing trading yaitu memperoleh capital gain sebesar-besarnya dari transaksi jual beli dalam waktu sesingkat mungkin. Untuk mendapatkannya, swing trader mengutamakan validitas sinyal dalam mengambil setiap tindakan. Dengan demikian, peluang dari strategi forex ini tak muncul sesering sinyal pada metode trading jangka pendek. Time frame harga u

Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Jum'at 01 Juli '22 II Gold Masih Berpotensi Drop hingga 1787 jika....


Importance of Forex Trading Plan

A trading plan is a complete guide to what a trader will do in the market. This plan should include clear rules for entering and exiting the market, financial management rules, as well as outlining time frames, and trading instruments. Keeping a trading journal is mandatory before changing trading sessions. This is not only useful for analysis, traders also need to apply this daily journal as it becomes the core of the trading plan. Traders will know the dynamics of the ever-changing market through the results of the analysis that is routinely made. If disciplined traders get used to doing daily analysis, their trading will be better. The most important thing to consider in preparing a trading plan. 1. Determine the strategy for entry. Determine the best way or technique from your own experience in opening positions in various market conditions. Of course, there are lots of entry techniques used by traders, just choose one. If it has been determined, then keep in mind that this entry t

Catatan Lengkap Buat Yang Baru Mulai Trading Forex

Bagi pemula, memulai trading forex boleh jadi nampak sangat rumit dan membingungkan, hingga seolah-olah hanya orang-orang pintar saja yang bisa sukses. Forex menjadi salah satu investasi yang cukup digandrungi oleh banyak orang saat ini, namun forex termasuk investasi yang resikonya sangat tinggi dan para pemula wajib tahu. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa bermain forex atau trading forex bisa memberikan banyak sekali keuntungan, terutama bagi para trader profesional, dimana mereka memang penghasilan utamanya berasal dari trading forex ini. Namun, tidak semua orang bisa menjadi trader, karena trading forex ini tidak semudah teorinya. Dan tak jarang banyak sekali orang malah mengalami banyak kerugian dari forex ini. Oleh karena itu, inilah beberapa catatan dalam memulai trading: Platform Trading Trading platform adalah perangkat lunak yang digunakan trading, memungkinkan investor atau trader untuk melakukan trading dan memantau akun melalui perantara keuangan. Umumnya, trading platform seri

The Right Time to Use a Limit Order

Limit orders allow traders to profit even if they are busy. This feature is used when trading without having to stare in front of the screen waiting for bids to be inputted. Limit orders help traders set a selling price higher than the current price, but it can also be the other way around. The selling price or buying price is inputted according to the trader's wishes and will be set by the broker after entering the market price. If the price movement misses, the transaction cannot be processed. Limit orders tend to be more effective on less liquid instruments. Through this feature, traders can leave the market without worrying about the investment funds falling because the broker will execute it when the limit is reached. Price Reach Range Range is the ability of price movements in a certain period. Many argue that if the price has moved and reached its daily range, then that's the time to open a position. This means that if the price moves and reaches the daily average range,

Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Kamis 30 Juni '22


Using Stop Pending Order

In forex trading there are many terms that will be foreign to ordinary people. Some of them are buy stop, sell stop, buy limit, and sell limit. These four terms are closely related to pending orders that are applied to trading platforms, such as metatrader4, if the trader does not want the order to be executed at the current price. A pending order is an order that will be executed when the price touches a predetermined point. Or place an order to open a position at a certain price level. A stop order is an order that is used to buy a pair starting from a currency, gold or index that is above or below the current price (current price or running price). This order can be a buy order or a sell order. With a stop order, a trader does not always have to actively monitor price movements because the stop order will function automatically according to the desired price limit. In situations of very fast price fluctuations, the executed stop order (become a market order) may be obtained differen

Ciri Market Akan Lanjut

Harga suatu produk selalu bergerak, apalagi jika volume perdagangan produk tersebut tinggi. Forex, sebagai produk finansial dengan volume perdagangan tertinggi di dunia, memiliki pergerakan harga yang sangat volatil. Volatilitas yang tinggi ini bisa menjadi tantangan bagi trader pemula. Trader forex umumnya suka pada volatilitas tinggi, apapun pasangan mata uangnya. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa dari pengalaman trading yang trader dapatkan, mengikuti arah trend atau menjadi trend follower memang profitable, dan strategi trend following memang bisa diandalkan. Agar dapat mengikuti arah trend dengan benar, trader harus bisa mengidentifikasi keadaan dimana akan terjadi penerusan trends, atau sebaliknya akan terjadi pembalikan arah trend (trend reversal). Suatu keadaan disebut trending bila banyak trader yang melakukan trade dengan entry pada posisi tertentu yang sama (buy atau sell). Keadaan tersebut bisa mengalami koreksi bila sebagian trader mengambil keuntungannya, dan bila banyak tra

Using the Averaging Strategy in the Forex Market

Averaging can be one of the techniques that traders can use. Averaging in forex is a strategy in carrying out trading. Every trader uses it to make profit with multiple goals. However, if a trader is a trader and wants to use this strategy, he must run it in one direction only. So that the potential profit generated will be more focused. When using averaging forex, there are many things that traders must ensure. Where on every occasion a trader should try to open a position. If you are not the first to buy, then at the next opening the step that must be set is buy only. Until it makes a profit in every repetition. Traders who use the averaging strategy should try to minimize losses as much as possible. Even when it comes to taking opportunities from the opposite direction. But this technique also comes with risks. Given all forms of decisions are against the direction. Watch the full video and details below! Note: For further information, you can call 03315106055. FREE Trading soft cop

Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Rabu, 29 Juni '22 II Peluang Entri Day Trading saat 'Sideways'


Early Foundations of Trading For Living

To become a professional forex trader or want to live only from trading (trading for living), can't be done in a flash or instant way. Building a solid foundation to become a professional trader takes time and effort to learn all aspects of the forex market. From the experience of ups and downs starting from a novice trader to what traders have achieved now, of course there are many lessons. If the trader still feels lacking or left behind, of course, the trader should not be discouraged. By sticking to the trader's goal of becoming a trader and consistently learning and self-evaluating, sooner or later the trader's goal will become a reality. This is the initial foundation that traders can apply: Master the Material In starting something, of course, you have to understand what you want to do. Likewise with starting forex trading there needs to be a preparation to get started. Because not only has a very large income opportunity, trading also has a big risk as well. To obta

Buat Sistem Tradingmu Sendiri

Sistem trading adalah kombinasi berbagai tools atau parameter dalam analisis teknikal untuk membantu trader mengambil keputusan bertransaksi. Sistem trading sangatlah penting dalam mendukung kelancaran trading. Sistem trading adalah panduan bagi trader untuk melakukan transaksi jual beli. Diibaratkan seperti rambu lalu lintas yang mangatur arus lalu lintas. Jika tidak ada rambu-rambu lalu lintas akan semrawut dan potensi kecelakaan akan besar. Sistem trading yang baik akan memberikan panduan pada trader pada berbagai hal, antara lain: Gaya trading yang dipakai. Tidak semua strategi atau gaya trading cocok bagi setiap orang. Trader harus memilih yang sesuai dengan kepribadian dan kebutuhan trader. Apa yang akan trader tradingkan. Tidak semua pasangan forex bisa ditradingkan dengan gaya trading yang dipilih. Sistem trading bisa membantu trader memilih apa saja pair yang perlu kita tradingkan Kapan bisa trading. Tidak setiap saat trader harus trading. Ada waktu tertentu yang membuat gaya

Trading Risk Management

One of the keys to success in learning forex trading is risk management. Traders can claim to have a powerful trading strategy or use reliable analysis, but it's useless if all of that is implemented without risk management. Because without risk management, sooner or later trading traders will fail to achieve profitable results. In the forex market there is no exact science that can 100% predict price movements correctly. As good as a system is, there must be a potential for prediction errors that can make a trader's trading position lose. Therefore, when learning forex trading, traders must familiarize themselves with the rules of good risk management. Here are some risk management methods that traders can apply in trading: Stop Loss Using a stop loss is actually very easy, where traders only need to place a stop order below the buy price or above the price when they want to sell. Switch The switching technique is an act of closing the portion of a trader who is losing a cut l

Analisa XAU-USd hari ini Selasa 28 Juni '22 II Potensi entri di Zona Sideways


Causes of Big Loss in Forex Trading

Forex trading is not always profitable. There are times when traders experience losses. In business, profit and loss are common. Losses can be experienced by every trader throughout his career including large losses after the cut loss which results in the loss of most of the capital. Whether it's because the market has suddenly changed or because of internal factors that are undisciplined and too aggressive in trading. To overcome this is to rise from adversity. However, traders must know the causes of big losses in forex trading. What are the causes of the big loss? Over Lot Over lot is the volume or lot used by a trader to place a buy order or sell order the lot size is too large, or the amount of margin used to open a position, the amount exceeds 10% of the total capital owned. Overtrade Over-trading or over-trading is often caused by emotional trading. This is a very common mistake made by novice traders. Over trading or opening too many trading positions is usually caused by a

Teknikal Analisis Forex Tanpa Indikator

Analisa teknikal adalah teknik analisa yang biasanya digunakan oleh trader untuk membantu keputusan jual beli dalam trading saham, forex, emas atau komoditas. Tujuan mempelajari analisa teknikal ialah agar trader dapat menilai kondisi pasar saat ini berdasarkan histori harga di masa lampau, sekaligus memberikan gambaran atau prediksi tentang pergerakan pasar di masa depan. Analisis teknikal dapat membantu untuk menentukan kapan saat yang tepat untuk membeli suatu saham guna disimpan dalam jangka panjang. Sementara, bagi trader pastinya analisis teknikal digunakan untuk menentukan saham pilihan yang berpotensi profit dalam jangka pendek. Analisis teknikal berperan penting dalam menunjukkan chart harga saham, trend yang terjadi, support dan resistance, serta waktu yang tepat untuk menjual maupun membeli dengan bantuan indikator. Tetapi, analisis teknikal bisa menggunakan indikator, bagaimana caranya? Level SNR Para trader harus menguasai analisis teknikal dalam tradignya, salah satunya

Can Trade With Big Lot But Small Capital?

A lot is a unit of measure for position volume, which is a fixed amount of the base currency in the forex market. Volume is always indicated in lots and lot size directly affects the level of risk. The larger the volume of one lot in forex, the greater the risk. Risk management includes a model that allows traders to calculate the optimal number of standard lots in the leveraged foreign exchange market. Trading with small capital may sound impossible to most people. Because maybe many people think that when you start trading, you have to be prepared with a big budget. Since the advent of trading began many people in almost all countries are interested in trying it. However, hearing the phrase trading with a small capital is likely many who think it is impossible to happen. This is because the mindset is ingrained that to start trading trusted online gold or other types of trading, requires large funds or capital. People will automatically think that this kind of trading only applies to

Analisa XAU-USd Hari ini Senin 27 Juni '22 II Peluang dari Gap


Don't Complicate Yourself For Technical Analysis

Technical analysis is an analysis that is usually used by traders to help buy and sell decisions in trading stocks, forex, gold, or commodities. Technical analysis is an approach to price analysis that studies market activity using historical price data, including price charts, that have occurred in the past, to predict and anticipate future price movements. In this case, of course, technical analysis must have data and price charts. Historical data used in technical analysis includes information on opening, closing, high, low, and trading volumes. In technical analysis, there are many known indicators that function to tell when it is time to trade. The data is processed into various indicators, and presented in graphs along with price movement data. Technical analysis has 3 main principles. This principle when understood and mastered, can be applied in various trading instruments. Be it stocks, forex, futures, commodities, or options, if you want to trade in a short period of time, al

Tahapan Membaca Candlestick Bagi Pemula

Candlestick adalah salah satu jenis grafik harga yang digunakan dalam analisa teknikal yang menunjukkan harga tertinggi, terendah, pembukaan, dan penutupan dari suatu harga pada periode tertentu. Candlestick umumnya digunakan untuk trading jangka pendek, sehingga lebih cocok digunakan oleh trader. Salah satu keunggulan candlestick adalah mampu menampilkan psikologi pasar dengan mudah. Umumnya, untuk menggambarkan keadaan harga pasar yang mengalami kenaikan (bullish) candlestick digunakan candlestick berwarna hijau atau putih. Sementara itu, untuk menggambarkan keadaan harga pasar yang mengalami penurunan (bearish), candlestick yang digunakan berwarna merah atau hitam. Namun, tak banyak dari para trader terutama trader pemula, yang kesulitan dalam membaca candlestick. Inilah cara tahapan membaca candlestick bagi pemula: Candlestick Memuat Empat Posisi Harga Dalam candlestick, ada empat indikator yaitu: Open: Harga saat perdagangan dibuka hari ini Low : Harga terendah hari ini High : Har

Tricks for Success in Forex Trading

Becoming a trader, like any other profession, is not easy. Many people want to be a successful trader, but forget that being a successful trader is a process. Here are the tricks for success in forex trading: Ready for Safe and Planned Funds In starting trading, mke sure the trader has a planned and safe capital. The funds in question are not funds for daily needs, household or other things. But the right funds for trading. If you don't have funds, don't force it to use a real account. Traders can use a demo account first. Prepare Time In trading, make sure the trader has time. The time in question can define what type of trader you are. If you don't have much time, traders can use long-term trading. On the other hand, if the trader has a lot of time, he can trade short term. Right Pair Choosing the right currency to trade in trading will greatly assist traders in achieving maximum profit. Especially for traders who are beginners, this is of course also important. Focusing

Analisa XAU-USd Hari ini Jum'at 24 Juni '22 II Gold Berpotensi Rontok hingga di 1806


Signal for Entry, Avoid Long Floating

Waiting for the signal and its confirmation for entry requires extra patience because this signal is not always present. For entry in trading, there are methods that will determine trading success, especially in the long term. Entry is very important in determining the final result, but many traders may think that entry is trivial and easy to do. In fact, if the trader understands the tips and methods, it will greatly provide better risk or reward potential. Traders can also observe and determine the placement of stop losses so that the maximum results are obtained. These are the signals that traders can use for entry: Breakout Breakout in forex is a condition where the price breaks through support and resistance. In technical analysis, a breakout is a breakout or break of a support or resistance. Not forever support or resistance will last, one day the support or resistance level will definitely be solved. Often, a breakout indicates a very large trend strength in maintaining its pace

Pahami Agar Tidak Salah Entry di Forex!

Aktivitas entry dan exit dalam trading forex merupakan salah satu hal yang akan sering dilakukan oleh para trader. Inilah hal-hal mengenai masuk dan keluar forex yang dapat trader pelajari. Entry forex adalah suatu posisi dimana trader harus terjun ke pasar jual beli valuta asing atau valas. Posisi entry adalah point yang penting dan sangat berpengaruh dalam menentukan hasil akhir dalam trading forex. Artinya jika trader memasukkan posisi entry dengan presisi, maka hal tersebut akan menentukan hasil trading trader dalam jangka panjang. Dengan entry yang tepat pula maka akan membentuk risk/reward yang baik. Namun demikian, banyak trader yang menganggap entry adalah hal yang mudah dilakukan dan tidak mencari kemungkinan entry yang terbaik untuk memperoleh hasil trading yang optimal. Retracement Retracement adalah pergerakan harga yang melawan tren dalam waktu singkat. Umumnya, retracement bearish akan terjadi di tengah tren bullish dan bersifat sementara, sedangkan retracement bullish a

Choose The Way of Limiting The Loss (Forex Trading)

The forex market is full of uncertainty. No one knows exactly where the market will move. When opening a trading position, the trader does not know where the price will move. Even though from the analysis, an ongoing trend may have been detected, but traders do not know that the trend will still continue or will end. It could be that the trade that is being carried out will be a loss. If left unchecked, the loss will end up getting bigger. Here's how to limit the losses traders can make: Cut Loss Cut loss is the act of closing a trading position to limit losses, which is done manually, that is, directly by the trader concerned. Cut loss is used to limit the losses experienced so that they do not cause even greater losses. Switch In trading, market conditions do not always move in accordance with what traders have predicted. It is possible that the position will move up and down and make the trader suffer losses. So that traders can still benefit from these circumstances, what trade

Analisa XAU-USd Hari ini Kamis 23 Juni '22 II Menunggu Konfirmasi Bullish


Exploiting Gaps in Trading

When the capital market is volatile, sometimes the chart displays a phenomenon called trading gaps. Gap trading is where one candlestick suddenly creates distance from the next candlestick. The gap that occurs on the trading chart indicates that no transactions were executed at that price level. This is because prices have changed drastically in a short period of time. Both a price spike and a drastic price correction will trigger a gap in the trader's trading chart. This common phenomenon is called a 'gap up' if the spike flies to the moon or 'gap down' if the correction shrinks into the abyss. One of the most popular ways is to place a bid before the market opens after seeing a signal of a gap. This strategy must be followed by a qualified fundamental and technical analysis so that the trader's predictions do not go wrong. This is because gaps often occur after financial reports are released to the public, traders often buy stocks or currencies when the new ma

Cara Menilai Broker Bagus Atau Tidak

Dalam menjalankan bisnis, trader pasti akan cukup pilih-pilih dalam memilih partner. Begitu juga dengan bisnis trading, broker adalah partner bisnis yang sangat berpengaruh pada kesuksesan usaha trader. Sebelum memulai trading, pastikan trader menggunakan uang dingin. Jangan menggunakan uang panas atau operasional harian, apalagi menggunakan uang pinjaman. Penting bagi trader untuk mempelajari dan mengerti tentang peraturan trading termasuk juga produk yang di tradingkan. Di bursa berjangka trader dapat mentransaksikan berbagai pasangan mata uang (forex), indeks saham, emas, perak, dll. Bagi trader pemula yang belajar trading, Trader dapat memanfaatkan akun demo. Tipe akun ini memang diperuntukkan untuk edukasi calon trader dapat merasakan pengalaman bertransaksi menggunakan dana virtual sehingga bebas resiko. Agar mendapatkan pengalaman trading terbaik, trader perlu menemukan broker yang tepat untuk menghindari berbagai kemungkinan masalah legalitas. Pastikan untuk memeriksa legalitas

The Right Steps Before Trading Forex

In the future, both forex and stocks will provide great opportunities for profit. As traders already know, this is because trading in financial markets has a high probability and is relatively liquid. Traders only need to trade according to the trading plan and determine the potential profit according to the risks taken. Maybe at first the trader will need a lot of practice, such as to know how much the trader's risk tolerance is. If you are familiar with the process, sooner or later you will be able to identify whether a trade passes the criteria or not. These are the steps that traders should take before trading forex: Get to know the Platform Currently, many forex brokers use the popular trading platform, namely Metatrader, but the price movements in the trading chart are very unlikely to be exactly the same because each broker has its own liquidator bank. The amount of spread can be the same, but the bid price offered by each broker can be different even though the difference i

Analisa XAU-USd hari ini Rabu 22 Juni '22


Luruskan Cara Pandang Anda Terhadap Trading

Trading forex adalah perdagangan valuta asing ke berbagai negara tujuan untuk kepentingan pariwisata dan bisnis agar mendapatkan keuntungan. Dalam praktiknya, tidak ada penentuan mata uang yang harus diperdagangkan sehingga sangat bergantung pada supply and demand. Sebagian orang menanggap bahwa cara kerja trading forex adalah dengan menukar uang di money changer, padahal transaksi ini dilakukan secara online dan bertujuan untuk mencari keuntungan, bukan semata-mata ingin mendapatkan mata uang negara asing. Padam skala besar, orang-orang bahkan memanfaatkan metode ini sebagai ladang investasi dan profesi. Terdapat beberapa yang harus dipahami oleh para trader, khususnya bagi pemula yaitu memahami konsep dan mindset trading. Konsep dasar dari trading yaitu sell dan buy yang harus dipahami oleh para trader. Dimana konsep ini menjual dengan harga tertinggi dan membeli dengan harga termurah. Setelah memahami konsep dasar dari trading, maka hal kedua yang harus dilakukan yaitu membentuk mi

Langkah Awal menjadi Trader Profesional

Untuk menjadi seorang trader forex profesional atau ingin hidup hanya dari trading (trading for living), tidak bisa ditempuh dengan cara kilat atau instan. Membangun sebuah pondasi yang kokoh untuk menjadi seorang trader profesional diperlukan waktu dan usaha trader dalam mempelajari semua aspek dalam pasar forex. Dari pengalaman jatuh bangun dimulai dari seorang trader pemula hingga pada apa yang telah trader capai sekarang tentu banyak hikmahnya. Jika trader masih merasa kurang atau tertinggal, tentunya trader tidak harus berkecil hati. Dengan tetap teguh pada tujuan trader untuk menjadi seorang trader serta konsisten untuk terus belajar dan evaluasi diri, cepat atau lambat tujuan trader akan menjadi kenyataan. Inilah langkah awal untuk menjadi trader profesional: Mindset Sebelum terjun dalam dunia trading, para trader perlu persiapan yang sangat matang tentang mindset. Mindset berperan penting dalam trading karena sangat berpengaruh untuk ke depannya. Ketika memiliki mindset yang ba

3 Triggers Often Appear In The Market

After analyzing the market direction and getting the analysis results, the next step is to wait for confirmation or triggers that appear to strengthen the trader's entry. The use of this trigger will minimize the trader's entry being exposed to floating for too long. A trigger is an event that meets the criteria for initiating a transaction, usually a market condition, such as an ups and downs in the price of an index or security. Triggers help traders automate entry and exit strategies too early, too late, or trading the wrong way. Traders need real time triggers to let traders know that now is the time to act. Here are 3 triggers that often appear in the market: Breakout Level A breakout in forex is a condition where the price breaks through support or resistance. In technical analysis, a breakout is a breakout or break of a support or resistance. Not forever support or resistance will last, one day the support or resistance level will definitely be solved. Often, a breakout

Analisa XAU-USd Hari ini Selasa 21 juni '22 II Panen Profit dari Breakout Level setelah Konsolidasi


Technical Analysis Stages Until Entry

Technical analysis is considered to have more tools than fundamental analysis. However, because it is quite difficult to use, it requires a deep understanding to be able to use it properly. Generally, technical analysis users are traders who want to take advantage of price fluctuations to make a profit. Technical analysis can be used on all financial products that have price data. Starting from stocks, forex, commodities, futures, and so on. These are the stages of technical analysis to entry: Trendline Trendline is one of the basic tools that is important to know to help traders recognize the potential profit in forex trading just by drawing a trendline. SNR level Understanding of support and resistance is very important to be able to mark the location of prices that may experience significant movements. Range Range is the difference between the minimum and maximum prices of an instrument. During a certain period. The range trading strategy is the simplest alternative strategy to do.

Ingin Kaya dari Trading?

Banyak orang terutama generasi milenial mulai beralih ke trading untuk mendapatkan income lebih. Bahkan beberapa dari mereka banyak yang berharap kaya mendadak dengan melakukan trading. Trading forex merupakan aktivitas jual beli mata uang asing yang biasanya dilakukan secara online. Tujuan dari trading forex sebagai investasi sendiri adalah mencari keuntungan dari selisih angka penjualan yang dilakukan. Lalu, yang menjadi pertanyaan adalah apakah bisa kaya melalui trading? Jawabannya adalah bisa, tetapi harus ada beberapa persyaratan atau ilmu dalam trading yang harus diterapkan oleh para trader. Apakah itu? Simak penjelasan dibawah ini! Memiliki Sistem Trading Sistem trading adalah cara atau aturan trading yang terorganisasi, teratur, dan diterapkan berulang-ulang. Sebagian trader menyebut sistem trading ini sebagai trading plan. Sistem trading adalah panduan bagi trader untuk melakukan transaksi jual beli. Diibaratkan seperti rambu lalu lintas yang mengatur arus lalu lintas. Jika ti

Candlestick Momentum Strategy For Entry

Forex trading is often associated with buying and selling foreign currency games that require a high level of accuracy. Momentum measures the rate of change in the closing price of a currency pair, stock or commodity. Momentum is often used to detect weakness or strength in a currency pair. The most important thing is that momentum gives a signal or signal that a reversal is located or when a certain trend is about to start. Forex traders will always look for momentum and try to change that momentum. This gives traders the convenience of predicting fluctuations in the currency market more accurately. A trend is at its strongest when there is a high momentum reading in an up or down direction. Traders often find low momentum readings at the beginning or at the start of a trend. This is because the future trend hasn't built up a lot of momentum in any direction to really show the existence of a trend or how strong the trend is. These are the things that are important in understanding

Analisa XAU-USd hari ini Senin 20 Juni '22


The Shape of Basic Candlestick and Its Character

Candlesticks are a type of price chart used in financial markets. This type of chart originated two centuries ago in Japan and after that it was in great demand by traders. This candlestick is one of the analyzes that can be used to find opportunities. Candlesticks are known for their shape that resembles a candlestick. The characteristics of this candle will greatly support reading accurate market opportunities. Reading candlesticks is not arbitrary, just memorizing and getting to know the formations. These are the shapes and characteristics of candlesticks: Candlestick Body Size The element of measure can help identify who is in control, be it a buying trader or a selling trader. The larger or longer the candlestick size, the stronger the control holder. On the other hand, a smaller size indicates that neither a buying trader nor a selling trader can move the price too high. Candlestick Shape The length of the tail of a candlestick shows the volatility in price movements. The longer

Cara Entry Mudah Untuk Intraday Trading

Trading intraday memang tidak seperti teknik jangka panjang yang menuntut kesabaran trader dalam menantikan kepastian hasil trading. Posisi dibuka dan ditutup di hari yang sama, sehingga trader bisa mendapatkan profit di hari itu juga. Intraday merupakan salah satu strategi atau gaya trading dengan cara membeli dan menjual stok atau instrumen finansial lainnya dalam hari yang sama, atau membeli dan menjual keesokan hari, hingga batas tiga harian trading. Teknik yang seperti ini lebih mudah membantu trader untuk cepat move on dan fokus mencari peluang baru di keesokan harinya. Barangkali, itulah yang membuat trading intraday digemari banyak trader. Namun demikian, ada begitu banyak strategi forex yang bisa diterapkan, hingga seringkali membuat trader bingung menentukan strategi forex andalan. Cocok diterapkan di time frame H1 dan H4. Tonton video lengkap dan detailnya dibawah ini! Note: Apabila membutuhkan Free materi dan info lebih lanjut hubungi 03315106055. Free mat

Pay attention to this before entry

Forex trading is one of the largest forms of financial investment in the world. The reason people join forex trading is to make a profit and as part of international trade. Forex is a foreign exchange or buying and selling foreign exchange that makes people get a lot of profit from the movement of foreign currency exchange rates. Forex trading is certainly done online. The purpose of forex trading as an investment itself is to seek profit from the difference in the sales figures made. Usually those who carry out forex trading activities are known as traders. There are several things that must be considered before entry, namely: Lot The trading world that is increasingly in demand has a variety of terms that need to be learned to be able to use them well. One term that is often and important used is lot. A lot is the standard unit of measure for position volume, which is a fixed amount of the base currency in the forex market. This term is a component and basic term in forex trading. Th