
Showing posts from June, 2023

Characteristics of Recommended Brokers!

The forex market is the favorite choice of experienced traders. It is a decentralized off-exchange global marketplace for trading foreign currencies. This market determines the exchange rate of each currency, and covers all aspects of exchanging, buying and selling currencies, at the current price. Forex brokers are intermediaries. The broker provides a platform for traders to trade forex. Transactions always involve two currencies. Forex brokers are companies or parties that provide retail transaction services to manage traders in trading Forex. The trick is to forward trader requests to larger brokers so that all trader requests can be accommodated on the Forex market. The reason is, it turns out that not all Forex brokers provide online registration services. Novice traders must learn and register independently to become traders in the Forex business. They also don't really understand the regulation of Forex brokers where this becomes very important. Traders can choose one of th

Jadi Trader Sukses Itu Mudah, Ini Kuncinya!!

Trading adalah proses transaksi yang berlangsung dalam pasar finansial dimana sistem kerjanya adalah sering-sering menjual dan membeli aset dalam waktu singkat. Di sinilah para trader mendapatkan keuntungan, yakni dengan menjual aset lebih tinggi daripada saat membelinya. Kerugian trading forex adalah hal yang barangkali akan menimpa siapa saja, terlebih lagi trader forex pemula, yang berinvestigasi di dunia trading forex. Entah itu kerugian saham maupun emas, banyak para trader yang diketahui mengalami hal ini. Bahkan, hampir seluruh trader pernah mengalami kerugian beruntun yang menyebabkan panik, stress, bahkan sampai frustasi. Untuk trader ketahui juga, di market trading forex maupun saham, kerugian beruntun dapat terjadi kapan saja dan tidak bisa diduga atau dihindari. Disisi lain, menyikapi kerugian trading ini, banyak pula trader yang bertindak emosional setelahnya. Inilah cara mengurangi kerugian dalam trading forex yaitu recovery. Recovery Recovery adalah bagian risk managemen

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Jum'at 30 Juni '23 II Ketika Buyer dan Seller Berada di Range


Syarat Untuk Entry Strategi Support dan Resistance Agar Trading Lebih Aman

Dalam trading forex, dan komoditi, harga selalu bergerak naik dan turun karena adanya supply dan demand. Arah dari pergerakan harga tersebut bisa diperkirakan dengan cara melakukan analisa teknikal. Salah satu caranya yaitu dengan mengenali level support dan resistance. Konsep support resistance adalah salah satu atribut yang paling sering didiskusikan dalam analisis teknikal. Kedua istilah ini digunakan untuk menunjuk level harga pada chart atau grafik yang bertindak sebagai penanda pergerakan harga yang tidak menembus nilai tertentu. Support dan resistance sering diilustrasikan dengan menggunakan garis horizontal, miring, atau melengkung. Tetapi, atribut ini dapat juga digambar menggunakan persegi panjang yang menunjukkan area perpanjangan atau area shadow. Shadow adalah garis panjang di candle dimana berpotensi menjadi tempat terjadinya perubahan harga. Support dan resistance berfungsi sebagai indikator atau sebagai alat konfirmasi pergerakan harga. Oleh karena itu, trader sebaikn

Trigger Bullish Terkonfirmasi ? Intraday Penuh Potensi Bagaimana Tekniknya..? (Analisa XAU Hari ini)


How to Have a Profitable Trading Method

In trading, there are two analyzes that are often used by traders, namely technical analysis and fundamental analysis. Technical analysis is considered to have more tools than fundamental analysis. However, because it is quite difficult to use, it requires a deep understanding to be able to use it properly. IMPORTANT THINGS IN TECHNICAL ANALYSIS Basic Concepts of Forex Technical Analysis This type of forex analysis is used as an analytical method that is able to estimate the direction of future price movements by studying market price data in the previous period that has been formed on the chart. Trendline Concept In Forex The trendline is one of the basic tools that is important to know to help traders recognize potential profits in forex trading by simply drawing a line (trendline). With a trendline, traders can find support and resistance levels as well as their combination with the best indicators to look for sell or buy opportunities. Concept of Support and Resistance Forex Tradin

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Selasa 27 Juni '23 II Pentingnya Mengamati Trend dan Level


Important Things Than Analysis and Money Management

Forex trading is a currency trading investment from many different countries. Trading forex is also one of the most interesting ways to make money. Therefore, many traders experience psychological disorders such as fear, greed and regret from every decision they make. Trading activity at any level generally involves emotions, and it could be that a trader is a trader who has an extraordinary level of intelligence. But believe that this will not be very useful in trading if traders are not able to control traders' emotions. The knowledge of a trader will not only stop at analysis, but must be equipped with mental readiness. Therefore, there is a term called trading psychology. This trading psychology will later influence a person's way of thinking which is then carried out by behavior in making decisions. If the trader is not prepared to have a confused mind, then the transaction may turn out to be a decision that is not made correctly. In fact, it is possible that traders will

🔴 Menguji Signal Bullish,,, Akankah Koreksi Sebelum Menguat ..? II Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini


More Focused Trading ❗❗ Do Some of These ❗❗

In general, trading is an activity of buying and selling assets that opens up profit opportunities with a very flexible choice of timeframes. However, before starting trading, there are things that must be understood and prepared first, including trading with a trading simulation application or demo account, and preparing capital, and having a professional trader mindset. Here are tips for starting trading: Trading Plans A trading plan is a trader's written document that contains comprehensive ideas and steps that traders will take to achieve profit opportunities in trading. The basic things in trading are usually loaded at the beginning of the trading plan document, while other rules are usually added over time according to the needs of traders. To be able to analyze and measure the intended profit potential, a trader needs to have a good trading plan. In general, trading plans are personal because they are adjusted to the trading goals desired by traders. That's why the tradi

Cara Agar Trading Tidak Sembarangan

Forex merupakan akronim dari foreign exchange yang berarti mata uang, valuta, atau kurs asing. Meski tidak punya lokasi pusat secara fisik, namun pasar forex adalah pasar terbesar dan paling likuid di dunia berdasarkan volume perdagangan. Aktivitas jual beli valuta asing yang dikenal dengan nama trading forex ini menawarkan keuntungan yang menarik. Cara kerja trading forex adalah dengan memperjualbelikan pasangan kurs yang dipilih. Aktivitas trading forex dilakukan di pasar forex yang begitu ramai dengan para traders yang siap memperjualbelikan pasangan mata uang pilihan trader. Pasar forex trading dibuka 24 jam setiap hari senin hingga jumat, dengan pergerakan harga yang bisa berubah kapan saja. Pasar australia yang berpusat di kota sydney dibuka dari jam 05.00 WIB hingga 14.00 WIB. Sementara itu, pasar Asia yang mencangkup Jepang, Singapura, dan Hongkong dibuka dari jam 07.00 WIB hingga 16.00 WIB. Lalu, pasar Eropa yang berisikan Jerman dan Inggris dibuka dari jam 13.00 WIB hingga 22

Tutorial on Making a Trading Plan

Before traders trade, it is necessary to have a trading plan (trading plan). Many traders are impatient in trading in the hope of getting profit. Instead of getting profits, while traders don't prepare themselves for losses, they feel disappointed and blame forex trading. To overcome this, it is necessary to have a trading plan. The trading plan is the activities that will be used when carrying out the trading itself. Traders need a trading plan so that trading is more systematic, so they can reduce losses. A trading plan is the first step in preparing all aspects related to entries and how to deal with them when the market is not in line with the analysis, so it is mandatory to plan in advance what to prepare. There is no point in analyzing or monitoring, including identifying various kinds of candles. If there is no trading plan, what happens is always random. Before taking a step, it must be calculated or considered so that it is really far from what is called a margin call (MC)

Menguji area Koreksi 1938.., jika Mampu Menembus, Emas Berpotensi di kisaran 1970, dan Sebaliknya...


Main Key To Forming A Trader's Character

The characteristics of forex trading have many kinds, but before explaining the characteristics, traders must first know what Candika is. Foreign exchange or what is commonly referred to as forex is a trading business that involves the currencies of many countries to make a profit. Forex has various characteristics, which can be considered unique characteristics. One of the characters of the forex that is most attached to the head of its use is currency trading. One of the characteristics of foreign exchange or forex. From the name alone, it is clear that this trading business uses the currencies of various countries as trading capital. Because forex has a business basis using the currencies of many countries, its users must always know when the currencies of the countries out there will go up or down. Besides being based on using currency, there are still many characteristics of forex trading that will be explained. Exceptional Liquidity Forex is the most liquid market in the world. T

Konsep Trend Market Yang Jarang Di Perhatikan Trader

Di dalam dunia trading, trader tidak mungkin bisa melawan pasar. Hal ini dikarenakan adanya representasi kekuatan pasar yaitu trend. Jika tidak bersahabat dengan trend, itu artinya trader menyatakan permusuhan dengan pasar. Karena tidak mungkin melawan pasar, maka satu-satunya jalan adalah trader harus mengikuti kemana pasar bergerak. Tanpa pemahaman trend yang baik, sudah dipastikan trader mengalami kesulitan untuk menentukan posisi masuk pasar. Trend merupakan salah satu aspek penting trading. Trader yang baik adalah trader yang selalu penasaran terhadap tren yang sedang berlangsung. Trend adalah arah harga pasar atau aset. Seperti tren dibidang lain, tren bisa naik atau turun. Di pasar finansial, tren naik disebut dengan uptrend dan tren turun disebut dengan downtrend. Treder dapat mengidentifikasi tren dengan menggunakan berbagai bentuk analisis teknikal, termasuk garis trend (trendline), aksi harga (price action), dan indikator teknikal lainnya. Garis trend dapat menunjukkan arah

Menguji Kembalinya 'Bullish' di Area 1940,, Akankah mampu Menembus ? II Analisa XAU Hari ini 22 Juni


Menunggu Kilau nya Si Emas Setelah Terkoreksi II Analisa XAU Hari ini Selasa 20 Juni


Trusted Website To Read Forex News

Fundamental analysis is an analysis that only relies on news that is currently happening in the world market. The content contained in forex news or economic news is an emotional mover for market traders to be able to determine the value of currencies, stocks and other instruments. That's why news is very influential on the investment portfolio of a forex trader. News releases are followed by a sizable price spike or jump. High-impact news releases are often accompanied by volatility, one of the things forex traders are interested in making big profits as quickly as possible. In less than 1 hour, the price can move hundreds of pips. While the potential gains are enormous, the risks of losing are also terrifying. News releases generally affect market sentiment quickly, especially if the news release is related to the state of a country's economy (GDP report, report on jobless claims, to changes in central bank rates). If observed, there will usually be a tug-of-war between buyer

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Senin 19 Juni 2023 II Penolakan Bearish Meski Masih di Area Koreksi


Berhenti Mencari Analisa Teknikal Akurat

Forex trading merupakan kegiatan jual beli mata uang asing secara online untuk memperoleh keuntungan. Tujuan dari trading forex yaitu untuk mencari keuntungan dari selisih angka penjualan dan pembelian dari suatu valuta asing. Dalam trading forex, terdapat beberapa analisa seperti analisa fundamental dan analisa teknikal. Analisa teknikal sebuah teknik analisis yang umum dipakai oleh trader untuk membantu keputusan jual beli dalam trading forex saham, emas, hingga komoditas. Analisis ini biasanya menganalisa naik turunnya harga dalam rentang waktu tertentu dan pembelian serta penjualan. Analisis teknikal adalah suatu pendekatan analisa harga yang mempelajari aktivitas pasar dengan menggunakan data-data historis harga, termasuk grafik harga, yang telah terjadi di masa lalu, untuk memprediksi dan mengantisipasi pergerakan harga yang akan datang. Dalam hal ini tentunya analisis teknikal harus mempunyai data dan grafik harga. Data-data historis yang terpakai dalam analisa teknikal antara

How to Choose the Best Time Frame for Forex Trading

The trading business cannot be separated from the use of time frames. This also relates to the way traders analyze the market to be traded. Many traders are still confused when reading time frames. Time frame is a collection of candles in a certain period. In the time frame there are M1, M5, M15, M30 including each minute. There are also H1, H4, D1, W1, and MN. The use of a good or profitable time frame depends on the trading style taken, short-term trading, mid-term trading or long-term trading. Smaller time frames allow you to see market movements in detail. If you are a scalper, that is, a trader who wants good speed from the transaction process and the profit that will be obtained. Then the time frame that you can use is a small time frame. If you want to make bigger transactions you have to switch to bigger time frames too. However, price movements can create bias in certain time frames. This movement is also known as market noise. A larger time frame allows us to read market cond

Money Management Yang Cocok Untuk Day Trading di XAUUSD

Trading forex merupakan satu jenis bisnis yang menguntungkan dengan adanya sistem untuk mendapat perolehan profit terbanyak dalam waktu cepat. Faktanya perputaran utang dalam bisnis forex bisa terjadi dalam hitungan menit saja. Dalam kurun waktu yang singkat tersebut, banyak kemungkinan bisa terjadi baik itu mendapat kerugian atau keuntungan. Kunci utama dari suksesnya trading forex bukan hanya ditentukan oleh kehebatan sistem. Kunci lain dari suksesnya bertrading terletak pada money management. Tidak peduli seperti apa sistem trading yang digunakan oleh para trader, jika tidak dapat mengelola keuangan dalam trading forex, maka besar kemungkinan trader akan berakhir gagal. Sebaliknya, jika trader hanya memiliki sistem trading sederhana sekalipun, namun jika money management trader bagus dan trader disiplin mematuhinya, maka peluang trader untuk memperoleh profit akan jauh lebih besar. Inilah beberapa cara untuk mengendalikan uang trader: Ketahanan   Modal Ketahanan modal adalah kemampu

'Gold' Masih Bullish Meski Banyak Penolakan, dimana Entry nya...? ( analisa XAU hari ini )


Valid Important Candle Patterns

Reading trends in the market with technical analysis guided by candlestick patterns is a profitable thing for traders. Candle patterns will always form in the market, this is a great opportunity for traders. However, traders should not rush into making transactions, which neglect other considerations. In a candlestick, you have to understand the character of the candle, namely how the body is, how long the tail is, what the ratio is between the body and the tail and its position (at the top, bottom or middle end). Inside the candlestick there are candle patterns and chart patterns. Candle patterns should not be used as one of the main parts to determine whether to go up or down, but to be an initial guide for candle patterns to learn about, traders can find out more later. The main candle patterns that often appear are doji, hammer, shooting star, and hanging man. Doji Candlesticks with very small bodies (the open and close prices are almost the same) are called doji. Overall, this doj

Gold Berpotensi Masih Sideways Selama Berada di Area Range 11932-1983 (Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini)


Memanfaatkan Momentum Candle Untuk Profit di XAUUSD

Trading forex sering dikaitkan dengan permainan jual beli mata uang asing yang memerlukan tingkat ketelitian tinggi. Momentum harga dapat memperlihatkan seberapa besar kekuatan tren. Dengan ini akan dengan mudah memperoleh gambaran secara jelas mengenai tren harga yang digunakan untuk entry. Momentum mengukur tingkat perubahan pada harga penutupan (closing price) suatu pasangan mata uang, saham, atau komoditas. Momentum sering digunakan untuk mendeteksi kelemahan atau kelebihan yang ada dalam suatu pasangan mata uang. Hal yang paling penting adalah momentum memberikan sinyal atau pertanda akan letaknya terjadinya pembalikan atau ketika tren tertentu akan dimulai. Trader sering menemukan pembacaan momentum rendah (low momentum reading) pada permulaan atau saat dimulainya suatu trend. Ini karena bakal tren tersebut belum membangun momentum yang besar ke arah sisi mana pun untuk benar-benar memperlihatkan adanya suatu tren ataupun seberapa kuat tren tersebut. Ini adalah hal-hal yang penti

Emas Akan Kembali Menguat Setelah Berada di Area Support dengan Konfirmasinya (Analisa XAU Hari ini)


Inside Bar and Outside Bar Terms Valid for Entries

Candlestick formations provide an interpretation of what is happening and will be happening in the market. Each of these formations is based on human psychology where one attitude and tendency is to repeat something. Inside bar and outside bar are candlestick patterns that are often used by traders to read trend movements, whether to reverse or not. One trading technique that deserves to be called a million people strategy is price action. This technique is used by almost all traders from beginner to professional levels. The reason is, this technique is considered easy to implement and offers good trading accuracy. Price action users will observe candlestick patterns that appear on the chart. The inside bar is a candle or more with the high and low values completely within the previous ranger bar. That is, the candle inside the bar is always smaller because the high is lower, and the low is higher than the previous candle. In reading the inside bar, the largest candle (with the highest

Emas Masih akan Bergerak di Kisaran 1949-1969 Kecuali jika.. II Analisa XAU-USD hari ini Selasa 13


Konfirmasi Untuk Entry Swing Trading

Swing trading adalah strategi forex yang memfokuskan analisa pada pola ayunan harga. Para trader pengguna teknik ini mengambil kesempatan sell di ayunan harga tertinggi dengan target close di swing harga terendah, atau mencari peluang buy pada ayunan harga terendah dengan target close di swing harga tertinggi. Dengan demikian, profit yang didapat dari setiap posisi trading akan benar-benar optimal. Oleh karena itu, para trader memerlukan konfirmasi untuk entry. Posisi entry adalah point yang penting dan sangat berpengaruh dalam menentukan hasil akhir dalam trading forex. Artinya jika trader memasukkan posisi entry dengan presisi, maka hal tersebut akan menentukan hasil trading trader dalam jangka panjang. Dengan entry yang tepat pula maka akan membentuk risk/reward yang baik. Secara umum, entry memang dianggap sebagai hal yang mudah dilakukan. Namun pada prakteknya, tidak banyak trader yang dapat memanfaatkannya secara baik. Padahal jika peran ini dapat dilakukan dengan baik da

How to Use a Rejection Candle

Candlesticks are price patterns or charts to show and read prices in financial markets. Many traders use this method in trading, it cannot be denied that the use of this method is not fully successful in trading. Rejection candle (Rejection candle) is a price action setup, where the price will reverse direction from its original movement. Where this occurs, the initial price had penetrated a level, but the movement was rejected by the market, causing the candle to be closed with a wick. Even though there is a candle rejection, traders can still take chances from this. However, it is necessary to have certain confirmation candles that show that the candle is accurate. Candle rejection indicates market action that refuses to continue the trend, this candle formation indicates a reversal signal which usually occurs at the end of a trend. So the best bullish rejection setup is when the pattern has been preceded by a bearish wave, and vice versa for bearish rejection which should have been

Waspadai Penolakan Bearish, Bisa Jadi Petunjuk Seller Kuat ?.. Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Jumat 9 Juni


Easy Profit With Pivot Point Strategy

Analyzing market movements is an important thing that must be done in investing. There are many ways and strategies that can be done in analyzing price movements in the market, one of the ways in question is the pivot point. In financial markets, a pivot point is a price level used by traders as an indicator of possible market moves. Pivot points are calculated as the average of the significant prices (high, low, close) of market performance in the previous trading period. If the market in the following period trades above the pivot point it is usually considered as bullish sentiment, while trading below the pivot point is considered bearish. Pivot Points were originally used by stock and futures traders, but are now commonly used in forex trading, especially for the short term. What is often used is the Daily Pivot Point, which is a Pivot Point that is calculated based on the previous day's closing price. Traders usually use the closing price of the New York market as a benchmark,

Strategi Winrate Tinggi Untuk Swing Trading

Trading forex adalah salah satu bisnis yang sangat populer dan memiliki potensi keuntungan besar. Para trader dapat memperoleh keuntungan dari selisih harga beli dan harga jual mata uang asing. Namun, meskipun memiliki potensi keuntungan besar, trading forex juga memiliki risiko yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu, para trader perlu memahami faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja trading agar dapat memperoleh hasil yang optimal. Salah satunya adalah win rate forex. Win rate adalah rasio antara jumlah trading yang menang dan jumlah trading yang kalah. Win rate sangat penting untuk diperhatikan oleh para trader karena menunjukkan tingkat keberhasilan dalam trading. Semakin tinggi win rate, semakin baik kinerja trading dan semakin besar potensi keuntungan. Oleh karena itu, para trader harus memahami win rate dan mencoba untuk meningkatkannya. Dengan memahami win rate dan melakukan strategi yang tepat, para trader dapat memperoleh keuntungan yang optimal dalam bisnis forex. Tonton video lengkap

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Kamis 08 Juni 2023, Pentingnya Level Psikologis dan Sentimen


Strategi Entry Paling Profitable

In trading, make sure that each trader trades according to their individual character or style. Every trader has a different trading style, some use long, short or medium term trading. All trading styles depend on the trader himself, especially in terms of capital and the trading system used. Traders must understand and master trading techniques, especially when to enter or exit. If a trader does not understand when to enter or exit, the trader cannot develop capital in trading, or can even fail in trading. When an open position or entry occurs a long shadow or a long rejection, traders can take the opportunity to go to the top of the tail first. The entry point is the level or price at which a trader enters a trade (buy or sell). Determining entry points can be tricky for traders because of the many variable inputs that drive the forex market. Therefore, this article will discuss step by step finding the best entry point. How is it step by step? Check it out below: Use Multiple Reason

🔴 Buyer Masih Berpotensi Mendominasi Meski ada Sideways, Akankah Break 1972, analisa Hari ini 7 Juni


Trading Using Technical Analysis

Trading analysis is a significant tool used by traders to make investment decisions. In general, fundamental analysis tells what instruments to trade, while technical analysis tells when to trade. Analysis will always be put in the first place before trading. For this reason, the success of traders is also influenced by the quality of their analysis. It is true that nowadays many traders use these two analyzes to support each other. However, there are still many who only use one analysis. Technical analysis in forex trading is an analytical method used to predict the direction of future price movements by studying price data in the previous period that has been formed and displayed on a chart. In technical analysis that needs to be mastered by traders, namely how to read candles both from the characteristics of the candlestick itself and its shapes, mastering the market structure formed, and the highest and lowest levels (SNR). In determining the entry, make sure there is a confirmator

Menguji Koreksi 1951, Bullish Akan Berpotensi di 1981 Jika ...II Analisa hari ini Selasa 06 Juni '23


Strategi Swing Trading Yang Bisa digunakan untuk XAUUSD/GOLD

Dalam trading, terdapat berbagai jenis strategi yang bisa digunakan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan terbaik pada waktu yang tepat. Karena memang tak semua strategi bisa diaplikasikan setiap saat, akibat pergerakan harga forex yang volatil dan beragam. Beberapa strategi yang biasa dipakai yaitu gaya trading jangka pendek seperti scalping yang membutuhkan hitungan menit, day trading yang memerlukan waktu kurang dari sehari, dan swing trading yang berjalan mulai dari harian hingga mingguan. Swing trading sendiri dianggap lebih menguntungkan serta berhasil membuat profit yang konsisten. Swing trading adalah trader yang menggunakan strategi swing trading untuk bertransaksi aset keuangan. Mereka biasanya akan menahan posisi selama beberapa hari atau beberapa minggu, tergantung pada pergerakan harga yang terjadi. Swing trading mengacu pada gaya trading jangka menengah yang digunakan oleh trader forex untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari pasar forex. Gaya trading ini membutuhkan kesabaran untuk mena

🔴 Emas Masih Berpotensi Sedikit Melemah dengan Area Uji di Level 1932 II Analisa Hari ini 5 juni '23


Money Management Untuk Swing Trading di XAUUSD

Dalam trading, tidak ada analisa yang valid dan akurat. Hal ini dikarenakan trader melakukan analisa hanya untuk mencari probabilitas sehingga perlu adanya money management yang baik untuk mengontrol trading para trader. Money management forex adalah salah satu faktor penting dalam keberhasilan trading. Karena dengan manajemen keuangan yang baik, maka seorang trader akan memiliki peluang lebih besar untuk memperoleh profit secara konsisten. Money Management adalah tata kelola dana dalam akun trading. Hal ini mencakup berapa besar lot di setiap posisi trading, berapa jarak antara harga entry (open position) dengan Stop Loss (SL) dan target profit trader, serta berapa jumlah maksimal posisi trading yang akan trader buka dalam satu waktu bersamaan. Inilah dasar money management yang dapat diterapkan: Menggunakan Risk dan Reward Risk dan reward menjadi salah satu indikator sekaligus konsep yang dinilai memiliki sifat yang paling ideal. Salah satunya adalah dengan menggunakan risk atau rewa

Trading Tips For Better

Foreign exchange (forex) trading is known as an active financial strengthening activity. Trading is different from investing whose activities tend to be passive. Even so, both forex trading and forex investment are considered capable of bringing promising benefits. Many people have started to be interested in learning forex trading in order to increase their financial strength in the future. However, traders need to know that forex is a type of investment that has a high risk. Even though traders have started learning forex trading, without in-depth investment experience and knowledge, forex trading can backfire against traders and weaken the financial strength traders have. Here are trading tips to make it better: Psychology or Mindset This trading psychology will later influence a person's way of thinking which is then carried out by behavior in making decisions. If the trader is not prepared to have a confused mind, then the transaction may turn out to be a decision that is not

🔴 Pola 'Doji' Terkonfirmasi...? II Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Jumat 02 Juni 2023


What Is a Good Trading Strategy Actually?

Many beginners complain that forex trading is difficult, so they often experience losses and find it difficult to get consistent profits. Not a few also give up and stop trading forex when losing continuously. This is actually caused by the traders themselves who may not have experience and knowledge about the best forex trading techniques and strategies. Treat trading like a business, this is what I often tell my trading friends. Business needs plans, strategies so that the goals of the business itself can be achieved. So, what are good and correct Trading Strategies? here are the points: Learn an easy trading system so that it can be implemented properly There are so many indicators that we can use to help us read price movements, but you should only use 2-3 indicators. and of course you understand the function of these indicators, so that later you can create your own trading system according to your trading character. Watch the full video and details below! More info :  Free materi