
Showing posts from August, 2022

Bagaimana Trading Sehat? Begini Caranya!

Trading forex merupakan investasi yang menjanjikan keuntungan besar, bahkan bisa diraih dalam waktu singkat. Hal ini yang membuat para trader pemula tertarik untuk mencoba. Namun, pada kenyataannya banyak trader pemula mengalami kegagalan. Banyak faktor pemicu kegagalan, satu diantaranya kurang memahami cara trading yang benar dan tentunya bisa meraih keuntungan. Berikut cara trading yang sehat: Risk Management dan Money Management Yang Terukur Salah satu kunci sukses dalam belajar trading forex adalah manajemen risiko dan manajemen keuangan. Trader bisa mengklaim punya strategi trading ampuh atau menggunakan analisa terpercaya, tapi percuma saja jika itu semua diterapkan tanpa kedua hal tersebut. Karena tanpa adanya kedua hal tersebut, cepat atau lambat trading trader akan gagal meraih hasil yang profitable. Manajemen risiko bisa mengurangi kerugian. Selain itu, juga bisa melindungi trader dari kehilangan semua uangnya. Risiko terjadi saat trader mendapatkan kerugian. Jika risiko bisa

The Best Way Doing Forex Technical Analysis

Technical analysis in forex trading is an analytical method used to predict the direction of future price movements by studying price data in the previous period that has been formed and displayed on a chart. One way to predict the direction of price movement is with a popular method, namely technical analysis. Basically, technical analysis uses charts or charts of historical price movements to predict the direction of prices in the future. All financial markets produce data on market price movements over various time periods. Price movements can be seen in a chart, with this chart traders will begin to identify how the market behaves. Technical analysis settings generally start with price action as a form of initial evaluation. The first thing to remember when using an indicator is that it is a function of price action. Price action is the study or analysis of price movements in the market. Traders use this indicator to form opinions and basic decisions on trends, key price levels and

Analisa GBP-USD Hari ini Kamis 01 Sept '22


Analisa Teknikal XAUUSD Hari ini! Kamis 01 Sept '22 || Analisa Trading Harian


How to Determine Stop Loss In XAUUSD

In trading, the trader must have experienced a loss. However, traders can actually minimize the loss by installing a stop loss (SL). A stop loss is an order or limit order to limit the losses that a trader will receive. When the price movement touches this value, the system will automatically close the order or position. Every trader has the right to decide for himself which trading model is the most suitable for him, either by using a stop loss or ignoring it, it goes back to the trading strategy used by each trader. Determining the ideal stop loss range is not an easy matter in forex trading. Many people determine stop loss based on percentage alone. This percentage also varies, with the popular nominal risk being 2 percent of capital. This percentage of risk is then used by traders to place their stop loss. Determination of this stop loss is very important in the market, because these percentages knowingly or unknowingly have a big impact on the viability of a trader's account.

Cara Mengasah Psikologi Trading

Trading forex merupakan salah satu investasi perdagangan mata uang dari berbagai negara yang berbeda. Trading forex juga merupakan salah satu cara paling menarik untuk menghasilkan uang. Oleh karena itu, banyak para trader yang mengalami gangguan psikologis dari setiap keputusan yang diambil. Aktivitas trading di level manapun pada umumnya melibatkan emosi, dan bisa jadi trader merupakan seorang trader yang memiliki tingkat kecerdasan yang luar biasa. Namun percayalah bahwa hal tersebut tidak akan terlalu berguna dalam trading jika trader tidak mampu menguasai emosi trader. Pengetahuan seorang trader tidak hanya akan berhenti pada analisa saja, melainkan harus dilengkapi dengan kesiapan mental. Maka dari itu, terdapat istilah yang bernama psikologi trading. psikologi trading ini nantinya akan mempengaruhi cara berfikir seseorang yang kemudian dijalankan dengan perilaku dalam mengambil keputusan. Jika trader tidak siap dengan mempunyai pemikiran yang kalut, maka transaksi tersebut bisa

The Easiest Thing In Technical Analysis

Technical analysis in forex trading is an analytical method used to predict the direction of future price movements by studying price data in the previous period that has been formed and displayed on a chart. In this context, traders must at least understand the chart that is generally used in technical analysis first in order to know the price movement well. This is the easiest thing in technical analysis: Trendline Trendline is one of the tools used for technical analysis in forex trading. Besides functioning as support (in an uptrend) and resistance (in a downtrend), the trendline is one of the simplest tools to identify the direction of the trend. One of the characteristics of the change in trend is the break of the trendline which can be an early indication that the price may change direction. Trading using a trendline can be done by connecting the two lowest or highest points in a price movement that is being observed. Watch the full video and details below! More info :  Free mat

Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Rabu 31 Agust '22 II Analisa Multi Time Frame


Cara Entry Mudah Untuk Intraday Trading

Intraday trading is not like a long-term technique that requires a trader's patience in waiting for the certainty of trading results. Positions are opened and closed on the same day, so the trader can make a profit on the same day. Intraday is a trading strategy or style by buying and selling stocks or other financial instruments within the same day, or buying and selling the next day, up to a limit of three trading days. Techniques like this are easier to help traders move on quickly and focus on finding new opportunities the next day. Perhaps, that is what makes intraday trading popular with many traders. However, there are so many forex strategies that can be applied, so that it often makes traders confused about determining the mainstay forex strategy. Suitable for use in H1 and H4 time frames. Watch the full video and details below! More info :  Free material soft copy contact 081 258 066 174 wa/call  Private info / paid premium class (guided forever until consistent profit an

Membaca Arah Market Terdekat Dari Running

Forex sering kali dikatakan sebagai salah satu investasi dengan risiko yang cukup tinggi. Namun, disisi lain investasi forex juga merupakan investasi yang dapat memberikan return yang sangat tinggi. Oleh karena itu, untuk bisa memperoleh keuntungan yang maksimal maka trader perlu mengetahui dan mempelajari beberapa hal seputar forex. Salah satunya adalah cara membaca grafik forex yang benar. Kemampuan membaca chart adalah modal awal yang wajib dimiliki. Dengan memiliki kemampuan membaca grafik forex yang baik, maka trader bisa lebih mudah melakukan analisa. Selain itu, trader juga akan lebih mudah mempraktikkan sistem trading yang sesuai dengan gaya trader masing-masing. Seorang trader perlu memiliki kemampuan untuk membaca grafik forex karena trading mengambil keuntungan dari selisih harga jual dan beli. Jika trader belum mengetahui cara membaca grafik forex maka strategi trading yang membutuhkan keahlian untuk membaca grafik akan sulit untuk diterapkan. Padahal, pada dasarnya grafik

Want to Get Rich from Trading?

Many people, especially the millennial generation, have started to turn to trading to earn more income. Even some of them are hoping to get rich suddenly by trading. Forex trading is an activity of buying and selling foreign currencies which is usually done online. The purpose of forex trading as an investment itself is to seek profit from the difference in sales figures made. Then, the question is can you get rich through trading? The answer is yes, but there must be some requirements or knowledge in trading that must be applied by traders. What's that? Check out the explanation below! Have a Trading System A trading system is a way or trading rules that are organized, orderly, and applied repeatedly. Some traders refer to this trading system as a trading plan. The trading system is a guide for traders to make buying and selling transactions. It is like a traffic sign that regulates the flow of traffic. If there are no traffic signs it will be chaotic and the potential for acciden

Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Selasa 30 Agust '22 II Bullish Kuat jika lewat Level 17...


The First Steps to Become a Professional Trader

To become a professional forex trader or want to live only from trading (trading for living), can't be done in a flash or instant way. Building a solid foundation to become a professional trader takes time and effort to learn all aspects of the forex market. From the experience of ups and downs starting from a novice trader to what traders have achieved now, of course there are many lessons. If the trader still feels lacking or left behind, of course, the trader should not be discouraged. By sticking to the trader's goal of becoming a trader and consistently learning and self-evaluating, sooner or later the trader's goal will become a reality. Here are the first steps to becoming a professional trader: Mindset Before plunging into the world of trading, traders need very thorough preparation about the mindset. Mindset plays an important role in trading because it is very influential for the future. When you have a good mindset, trading will be comfortable and safe. However,

Tahapan Belajar Untuk Trader Pemula

Forex trading adalah transaksi perdagangan mata uang dari negara yang berbeda terhadap satu sama lain. Mata uang dipertukarkan untuk melakukan bisnis dan perdagangan luar negeri, yang membuat pasar forex menjadi dasar keuangan terbesar di dunia. Forex trading dilakukan melalui broker forex atau market maker dan sekarang dianggap sebagai bentuk umum dari investasi. Pasar forex adalah pasar global 24 jam, yang memungkinkan para broker forex melakukan perdagangan mulai saat pasar dibuka di Australia pada hari minggu dan berakhir di New York pada hari jumat. Trader hari ini juga memiliki fleksibilitas untuk melakukan trading forex secara online. Beberapa manfaat dari perdagangan forex adalah likuiditas yang tinggi dan biaya transaksi yang rendah. Trading memerlukan proses yang sangat panjang. Oleh karena itu, sebelum terjun dalam dunia trading, khususnya untuk pemula terdapat beberapa tahapan, yaitu: Platform Saat ini banyak broker forex yang menggunakan platform trading populer yaitu meta

Straightening Your View of Trading

Forex trading is trading foreign exchange to various destination countries for the benefit of tourism and business in order to make a profit. In practice, there is no determination of the currency that should be traded so it is very dependent on supply and demand. Some people think that the way forex trading works is by exchanging money at a money changer, even though this transaction is done online and aims to make profit, not just to get foreign currency. On a large scale, people even take advantage of this method as an investment field and a profession. There are several things that must be understood by traders, especially for beginners, namely understanding the concept and trading mindset. The basic concept of trading, namely sell and buy, must be understood by traders. Where this concept sells at the highest price and buys at the lowest price. After understanding the basic concepts of trading, the second thing to do is to form a good mindset. The mindset in question is always in

Analisa XAU-USD hari ini Senin 29 Agust '22 II Bearish Mendekati Level Jenuhnya...


How to judge a good broker or not

In running a business, traders will definitely be quite picky in choosing partners. Likewise with the trading business, brokers are business partners who are very influential on the success of a trader's business. Before starting trading, make sure the trader uses cold money. Do not use hot money or daily operations, let alone use borrowed money. It is important for traders to learn and understand the trading rules as well as the products being traded. On the futures exchange traders can trade various currency pairs (forex), stock indices, gold, silver, etc. For novice traders who are learning to trade, traders can take advantage of a demo account. This account type is intended to educate prospective traders so that they can experience trading using virtual funds so that they are risk-free. In order to get the best trading experience, traders need to find the right broker to avoid any possible legal issues. Be sure to check the legality of the broker if it is registered and has a p

Strategi Trading Menggunakan Support dan Resistance

Dalam trading forex dan komoditi, harga selalu bergerak naik dan turun karena adanya supply dan demand. Arah dari pergerakan harga tersebut bisa diperkirakan dengan cara melakukan analisa teknikal. Salah satu caranya dengan mengenali level support dan resistance. Support dan resistance merupakan istilah yang populer dalam dunia forex trading. Teknik yang sering digunakan dalam analisis teknikal ini memang krusial untuk menentukan profit dan kerugian. Support dapat didefinisikan sebagai level yang berpotensi menahan penurunan harga. Sementara itu, resistance adalah area level yang berpotensi menahan kenaikan harga. Kedua level tersebut akan digunakan untuk menentukan harga terus berlanjut atau berbalik arah. Secara umum, support dan resistance bertujuan untuk mengetahui area yang tepat untuk mengambil posisi beli atau jual dan menentukan target dari pergerakan harga. Area support umumnya merupakan area yang dipakai sebagai acuan untuk mencari posisi beli dan area resistance dipergunakan

Understand So Not Wrong Entry in Forex!

The entry and exit activity in forex trading is one of the things that traders will often do. These are the things traders can learn about forex entry and exit. A forex entry is a position where a trader must enter the foreign exchange or forex trading market. The entry position is an important and very influential point in determining the final result in forex trading. This means that if the trader enters the entry position with precision, then it will determine the trader's trading results in the long term. With the right entry, it will form a good risk/reward. However, many traders think that entry is an easy thing to do and do not look for the best possible entry to obtain optimal trading results. Retracement A retracement is a price movement that goes against the trend in a short period of time. Generally, bearish retracements will occur in the middle of a bullish trend and are temporary, while bullish retracements will occur in the middle of a bearish trend and are temporary.

Belajar Analisa Fundamental Forex

Dalam dunia forex trading, proses analisis sangatlah penting. Kemampuan ini dibutuhkan untuk memprediksi kondisi pasar yang nantinya akan membantu trader menentukan keputusan-keputusan saat transaksi penting. Sebagai trader forex, dalam menjalankan transaksi membutuhkan kemampuan menganalisa pergerakan harga dan karakter mata uang tertentu dengan baik sehingga bisa menghasilkan keuntungan yang konsisten. Khusus untuk trader forex yang memiliki jangka waktu transaksi yang panjang, butuh pengetahuan lebih pada jenis analisa fundamental forex. Analisa fundamental forex ini pada dasarnya adalah metode analisis non-teknis yang mengacu pada sumber informasi yang berpengaruh tidak langsung pada pergerakan harga mata uang di pasar forex seperti kondisi ekonomi atau sosial-politik suatu negara. Berbeda dengan metode yang diterapkan pada analisa teknikal yang mengambil informasi dari grafik harga, analisa fundamental forex menitikberatkan pada faktor-faktor ekonomi. Analisa fundamental forex i

Stages of Reading Candlesticks for Beginners

Candlestick is a type of price chart used in technical analysis that shows the highest, lowest, open and close of a price in a certain period. Candlesticks are generally used for short-term trading, so they are more suitable for use by traders. One of the advantages of candlesticks is that they can easily display market psychology. Generally, to describe the state of market prices that have increased (bullish) candlesticks are used green or white candlesticks. Meanwhile, to describe the condition of a declining (bearish) market price, the candlestick used is red or black. However, not many traders, especially novice traders, have difficulty reading candlesticks. Here's how to read candlesticks for beginners: Candlestick Contains Four Price Positions In candlesticks, there are four indicators, namely: - Open: The price at which the trade opened today - Low : The lowest price today - High : Today's highest price - Closed : The price after the trade closed yesterday The size of th

Forex Technical Analysis Without Indicator

Technical analysis is an analytical technique that is usually used by traders to help buy and sell decisions in trading stocks, forex, gold or commodities. The purpose of studying technical analysis is so that traders can assess current market conditions based on price history in the past, as well as provide an overview or prediction about future market movements. Technical analysis can help to determine when is the right time to buy a stock for long-term storage. Meanwhile, for traders, of course, technical analysis is used to determine selected stocks that have the potential to profit in the short term. Technical analysis plays an important role in showing stock price charts, trends that occur, support and resistance, as well as the right time to sell or buy with the help of indicators. However, technical analysis can use indicators, how? SNR Level Traders must master technical analysis in their trades, one of which is support and resistance. SNR was the most discussed in the analysi

Ciri Pembalikan Market Yang Wajib Kalian Ketahui

Dalam dunia trading, trend merupakan representasi kekuatan pasar. Trend adalah kondisi pasar yang paling mendasar, sehingga setiap trader harus benar-benar bisa memahami trend dengan sangat baik. Tren selalu berubah-ubah, sehingga trend yang berkembang di pasar saat trading dapat berupa pembalikan dan trend baru. Pendekatan analisis yang berbasis pada analisis teknikal dapat membantu trader mengidentifikasi perubahan arah tren atau menginformasi terjadinya pembalikan arah. Trader diwajibkan dapat mengenali potensi pembalikan arah tren karena terdapat dua alasan. Pertama, saat trader membuka posisi pada suatu tren, biasanya akan siap keluar dari tren sebelum pembalikan terjadi. Kedua, pembalikan adalah momen ketika tren baru muncul. Jika trader mampu membaca pergerakan pasar dengan cermat dan mengenalinya tepat waktu, trader akan memiliki peluang untuk memasuki pasar (membuka transaksi) lebih awal dan menghasilkan profit lebih banyak. Tingkat probabilitas sangat tergantung pada kekua

Create Your Own Trading System

A trading system is a combination of various tools or parameters in technical analysis to help traders make trading decisions. The trading system is very important in supporting smooth trading. The trading system is a guide for traders to make buying and selling transactions. It is like a traffic sign that regulates the flow of traffic. If there are no traffic signs it will be chaotic and the potential for accidents will be great. A good trading system will provide traders with guidance on various things, including: 1. Trading style used. Not every trading strategy or style is suitable for everyone. Traders should choose the one that suits the trader's personality and needs. 2. What will the trader trade. Not all forex pairs can be traded with the chosen trading style. Trading systems can help traders choose what pairs we need to trade 3.When can trade. Not every time a trader has to trade. There are certain times that make a trader's trading style provide greater profit opport

Analisa XAU USD Hari ini 26 Agust '22 II Bullish Masih dominan meski akan Turun Dulu


Sistem Trading Menjaga Psikologi Tetap Tenang

Trading forex adalah sebuah transaksi mata uang asing yang semakin banyak dipilih sebagai salah satu cara untuk melakukan investigasi. Perdagangan valas ini melibatkan pasangan mata uang tertentu sesuai yang dipilih dan dapat diperjualbelikan sesuai kondisi tertentu untuk mencapai hasil maksimal. Sistem trading adalah kombinasi berbagai tools atau parameter dalam analisis teknikal untuk membantu trader mengambil keputusan bertransaksi. Sistem trading sangatlah penting dalam mendukung kelancaran trading. Sistem trading adalah panduan bagi trader untuk melakukan transaksi jual beli. Diibaratkan seperti rambu lalu lintas akan semrawut dan potensi kecelakaan akan besar. Di keluarga wijaya trading diajari untuk membuat sistem trading secara mandiri. karena sistem trading ini nantinya yang akan menjadi sebuah panduan untuk para trader agar mampu untuk profit secara mandiri tanpa ketergantungan dengan sinyal atau indikator. Sistem trading itu sendiri tentunya menyesuaikan dengan gaya trading

Market Features Will Continue

The price of a product is always moving, especially if the trading volume of the product is high. Forex, as the financial product with the highest trading volume in the world, has very volatile price movements. This high volatility can be a challenge for novice traders. Forex traders generally like high volatility, regardless of the currency pair. This shows that from the trading experience that traders get, following the direction of the trend or being a trend follower is indeed profitable, and the trend following strategy is reliable. In order to be able to follow the direction of the trend correctly, traders must be able to identify situations where there will be a trend forwarding, or vice versa there will be a trend reversal. A situation is called trending when many traders trade with entries in the same particular position (buy or sell). This situation can be corrected if some traders take their profits, and if many traders close their positions to open the opposite position, the

Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Kamis 25 Agust '22 II Hati-hati..!! Bullish akan di uji area Retracement.


Analysis For Limited 'Swing Trading'

Swing trading is a strategy to get maximum profit on trading. Swing trading is a type of trading that uses the basic concept of buying at swing lows and selling at swing highs. This swing trading theory does sound easy, but in practice it is not as easy as imagined. Swing trading is even the most difficult type of trading because there are no definite indicators when the price is at the bottom and at the top, these two conditions are actually still in the trader's imagination. Therefore, when traders use swing trading, traders will be forced to fantasize about whether the position is really at the bottom. The purpose of swing trading is to obtain the maximum capital gain from buying and selling transactions in the shortest possible time. To get it, swing traders prioritize signal validity in taking every action. Thus, opportunities from this forex strategy do not appear as often as signals in short-term trading methods. The price time frame for swing trading can be more varied than

Tips Trading Tenang Santai Ala Wijaya Trading

Saat ini, trading menjadi salah satu kegiatan yang diminati oleh semua kalangan investor mulai dari mahasiswa, karyawan sipil maupun swasta, sampai ibu rumah tangga. Secara umum, trading merupakan aktivitas jual beli aset yang membuka peluang profit dengan pilihan rentang waktu yang sangat fleksibel. Namun, sebelum memulai trading, ada hal-hal yang harus dipahami dan dipersiapkan terlebih dahulu, antara lain memahami jenis-jenis trading, mempelajari analisis trading dengan aplikasi simulasi trading atau akun demo, dan mempersiapkan modal, serta memiliki mindset trader yang profesional. Gunakan Uang Dingin Penggunaan modal dalam trading sebaiknya menggunakan dana untuk kebutuhan tersier atau dana yang tidak digunakan dalam waktu dekat atau bisa dikatakan menggunakan uang dingin. Hal ini bertujuan untuk meminimalkan risiko yang akan terjadi saat masuk di dunia trading, sebab selalu ada risiko kerugian baik untuk sebagian atau seluruh dana yang digunakan, serta dalam waktu yang lama maupu

How to Control Trading Emotions

The hardest part of trading is not creating a good and structured trading system. Money management and risk management are also not difficult to make. The problem arises when traders, adrenaline is pumped so strongly that traders cannot be disciplined in carrying out the trading strategies that have been made. Fear and greed make traders abandon all plans that have been made. Some of the trader's emotions hinder the trader's abilities, and instead lead the trader to follow the wrong path. In the end, it's not a profit, but a continuous loss. To truly grow into a successful trader, a trader must be a disciplined trader, not an emotional trader. Planning a trader's approach is key if a trader wants to keep negative emotions out of your trading. As a trader, there is not only one way to make a profit. There are many strategies and approaches that can help a trader achieve a trader's goals. However, whatever will work for that person is often a sure and systematic appro

Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Rabu, 24 Agust '22 II Emas Akan Bullish Kecil di Kisaran 1761


Trading With Inside Bar

Trading with the inside bar is quite easy and flexible because it can be combined with various supporting indicators, so it can be used by all traders, both beginners and professionals. The inside bar pattern actually appears on charts often, but traders often miss it. Inside bar patterns occur regularly in financial markets, including inside bar strategies in the trading system can improve traders' skills in market analysis techniques. The inside bar is a popular reversal or continuation candle formation that requires only two candles to present itself. This pattern is a direct play on the short-term market sentiment looking to enter before a major move may occur in the market. The inside bar shows the price's reluctance to rise above or below the previous candle's upper and lower levels indicating market indecision. Inside bar is a candle or more with high and low values ​​completely within the range of the previous bar. That is, the inside bar candle is always smaller be

Trading Menggunakan High dan Low Market

Salah satu cara untuk mencari peluang profit dalam trading forex adalah dengan mendeteksi tren harga. Kondisi uptrend atau bullish, dimana harga bergerak naik, dapat menjadi peluang untuk membuka posisi buy. Sementara peluang buka posisi sell dapat dicari saat downtrend atau bearish, yaitu saat harga mengalami penurunan. Namun, mengetahui uptrend dan downtrend saja tidak cukup. Seringkali tren yang muncul tidak cukup kuat dan tiba-tiba berbalik arah lagi. Bahkan sering juga terjadi sideways, yaitu kondisi saat harga fluktuatif naik turun tanpa ada tanda-tanda harga akan menguat ke satu arah. Karena itulah, penting bagi trader untuk dapat mendeteksi kekuatan tren. Jika muncul lower high, atau posisi high baru yang lebih rendah daripada posisi high sebelumnya, ini dapat menjadi indikasi reversal atau perubahan uptrend ke downtrend. Begitu juga sebaliknya, jika muncul higher low, atau posisi low yang lebih tinggi dari posisi low sebelumnya, maka kemungkinan downtrend akan segera berakhir

Analisa XAU-USD dan GU Hari ini Selasa 23 Agust '22 II Menguji Level Psikologis Terdekat


Discipline in Forex Trading

Becoming a forex trader is not an easy matter at the same time can not be used as a trial and error. Plunging into the world of trading requires knowledge, thoroughness and prudence, because without it all the money traded will run out in an instant. Therefore, in trading it is necessary to have a disciplined attitude Discipline is seen as something that cannot be separated from traders, starting from the first time a trader makes a trading plan, executes it, to how traders fall and rise. Discipline itself as a psychic improvement for how traders can continue to be motivated, persevere, and concentrate in the midst of various obstacles and opportunities. Discipline is the practice of producing desired behavior patterns, and attitudes that lead to success in life. Discipline is a feeling of obedience and a reflection of the values ​​that are believed, including in doing a certain job that has become the responsibility of each individual. Discipline is important because it will teach a t

Jangan Trading Forex Seperti Ini

Trading forex adalah transaksi jual beli mata uang asing. Trading forex memperdagangkan valuta asing. Jual beli valuta juga bisa terjadi karena adanya kebutuhan valas seperti pembayaran utang, ekspor,dan impor. Trading forex dilakukan secara online dengan tujuan mendapatkan keuntungan semata. Perlu juga dipahami, trading forex merupakan aktivitas bisnis, investasi, bahkan bisa juga dianggap menjadi sebuah profesi. Dalam skala internasional, perdagangan valuta asing atau valas kerap dilakukan oleh berbagai pihak, mulai dari pemerintah, bank-bank sentral, perusahaan-perusahaan multinasional, hingga individual tertentu yang memiliki aset dalam jumlah besar atau big player. Transaksi jual beli mata uang yang terjadi diantara berbagai pihak itu bukan terjadi di sebuah pasar dengan bangunan fisik, melainkan dalam jaringan tak kasat mata yang disebut 'pasar forex'. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, trading forex sudah bisa menjangkau lingkup yang lebih luas. Melalui internet, tra

The First Ability That Must Be Mastered Before Technical

More and more people are deciding to enter the world of trading. Trading is one of the activities that can make money. Many people enter the world of trading because they can earn huge profits. In getting that big profit, traders must have the ability or knowledge that must be mastered. What knowledge or skills must be mastered by these traders? Platforms Trading platform is software used for trading, allowing investors or traders to trade and monitor accounts through financial intermediaries. Generally, trading platforms are often offered by brokers either for free or at a discount in return for having the trader maintain a funded account to make trades. Simply put, the platform is software that can facilitate transactions in the forex market. Many traders are starting to look at using the trading platform because it has the features needed to facilitate and maximize trading such as realtime quotes, charts, news, and feedback, as well as premium technical analysis. Watch the full vide

Kesalahan Yang Sering Dilakukan Trader Pemula

Kesalahan adalah hal wajar, sebuah elemen manusiawi dan proses yang baik untuk belajar. Begitu pun trader, mungkin pernah mengabaikan pengaturan finansial, belok dari rencana yang sudah disusun, atau terlalu bersemangat mengincar keuntungan besar yang berujung kerugian. Pengalaman pahit ini yang pada akhirnya melatih mental trader, dari trader pemula menjadi trader profesional atau berpengalaman. Trader yang sudah menempuh banyak pengalaman memiliki ciri kerja yang terstruktur, seperti rencana yang tersusun untuk masuk ke suatu transaksi, waktu yang tepat untuk masuk dan keluar, jumlah modal yang terukur untuk diinvestasikan, serta kerugian maksimal yang dapat ditanggung. Inilah beberapa kesalahan yang sering dilakukan oleh beberapa trader: Over Lot Over lot adalah volume atau lot yang digunakan oleh seorang trader untuk melakukan order buy atau order sell ukuran lotnya kebesaran, atau jumlah margin yang terpakai untuk melakukan open posisi, jumlahnya melebihi 10% dari seluruh total

How to Entry in Important Areas of Forex Market

The entry position is an important and very influential point in determining the final result in forex trading. This means that if the trader enters the entry position with precision, then it will determine the trader's trading results in the long term. With the right entry, it will form a good risk/reward. However, many traders think that entry is an easy thing to do and do not look for the best possible entry to obtain optimal trading results. In general, entry is considered an easy thing to do. But in practice, not many traders can make good use of it. In fact, if this role can be carried out properly and efficiently, then it means that the trading results that traders do can achieve large profits. This is what traders can do in their entry in forex trading: SNR (Support and Resistance) Support and resistance are likened to the two attributes that are most widely discussed in the analysis where support is a level that has the potential to withstand price declines. Meanwhile, res

Analisa Teknikal Menggunakan History Pergerakan Harga

Istilah forex mungkin menjadi tidak asing jika trader memasuki dunia investasi sebab trading forex banyak disebut sebagai ladang penghasil uang yang menjanjikan. Meskipun begitu, bukan berarti setiap orang bisa dipastikan untung saat melakukan trading forex ini. Forex adalah perdagangan satu mata uang dengan mata uang lainnya. Transaksi forex ini terjadi di pasar forex atau juga dikenal sebagai pasar valas. Pasar forex adalah pasar terbesar dan paling likuid di dunia berdasarkan volume perdagangan hariannya. Sebagian besar perdagangan dilakukan melalui bank, broker, dan lembaga keuangan. Dalam trading forex, terdapat beberapa analisa yaitu analisa teknikal dan analisa fundamental. Analisa teknikal adalah cara menganalisis pergerakan harga aset di pasar finansial menggunakan perangkat statistik, seperti grafik dan rumus matematis.Tujuan mempelajari analisis teknikal ialah agar investor atau trader dapat menilai kondisi pasar saat ini berdasarkan histori harga di masa lampau, sekaligus m

Ideal Time Frame For Trading

Time frame refers to the period a forex trader chooses to operate. A time frame in technical analysis is a period of time in which prices are grouped and plotted elements in a price chart such as bars, candlesticks or points on a line chart. In other words, it is the time period of one price element. Most analysts and traders will agree that time frames can be divided into 3 categories namely short, medium and long term. The time frame used depends on the trading strategy that a trader has. The time frame is not the same for every trader. Choosing a time frame for trading depends on your level of experience, type of trading strategy, and how you approach the market. Therefore, it is difficult to give specific rules because they vary depending on the trading strategy. For the medium term time frame, the time frame is daily and several hours. This type is often used by swing traders to determine trading signals. Traders who apply this time frame will usually be overshadowed by overnight

Not Always Market Opportunity To Trade

Forex trading is one of the most popular investments. Actually forex trading is in the form of foreign currency trading activities with the aim of making a profit. Where the investments made will not collide in office hours or during night breaks. With long trading hours, the profits that can be obtained can be even greater depending on the ambition of each trader. Not all the time can be achieved or there is an opportunity to make a profit. Forex market operations are also not centered on an exchange like stocks. Activities in the forex market can continue 24 hours non-stop during the working day (Monday-Friday), so that all participants from various countries can enter the forex market easily according to their time zone. The actual price does not fluctuate at the same rate over time. In just one day, the range of movement of a pair can experience several ups and downs. To see and predict it is actually not difficult, because price movements tend to follow the forex market hours whic

Cara Baru Menggunakan Chart Pattern

Chart pattern atau pola chart adalah bentuk pergerakan harga yang senantiasa berulang dan mengisyaratkan sinyal utama, seperti penerusan dan pembalikan trend. Menjadi dasar dalam pencarian titik entry, metode analisa teknikal dengan teknik chart pattern sangat diperhitungkan sebagai bagian dari strategi trading forex andalan. Menguasai teknik chart pattern adalah salah satu kemampuan yang mampu mempermudah pengolahan strategi trading forex tanpa indikator. Kebanyakan orang menggunakan chart pattern untuk menganalisa secara teknikal ketika melakukan trading saham, komoditas, forex ataupun jenis lainnya. Pada kondisi market ini akan terbentuk pola yang berdurasi sangat beragam dapat terjadi beberapa minggu sampai bulanan yang selanjutnya akan diikuti dengan pergerakan harga ke atas atau kebawah. Triple Bottom Pattern Triple bottom pattern merupakan posisi dimana tren akan mengalami kenaikan. Pola ini ditandai dengan adanya tiga lembah (grafik yang menukik kebawah atau berada di posisi re

A Trader's Level

Before becoming a successful trader, it is necessary to understand that there are various levels of forex traders that must be passed. The levels are usually distinguished by several criteria. When viewed from the experience, knowledge, way of thinking, and mental attitude, a trader can be categorized into 5 levels. Beginner Trader A novice trader in general still feels foreign to the forex market. Forex trading is considered something new and may be somewhat unique or exciting. They tend to want to know everything related to trading and the forex market quickly and instantly. Both fundamental analysis and technical analysis are learned quickly. Beginner traders are always looking for and learning easy, simple and immediately usable ways to trade. In general, they expect big profits from forex trading. Professional Trader From the term "professional" it bears, indeed the main profession of a trader at this level is trading in the forex market. Professional traders are full ti

Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Jum'at 19 Agust '22 II Gold berpotensi Pullback Setelah Retest di ...


Easy Ways to Understand Chart Patterns

A chart pattern is a price chart pattern that occurs repeatedly in the market, making it easy for traders to identify. Chart patterns are used as the basis for technical analysis in trading stocks, forex, commodities, and others. Price movements in charts tend to repeat themselves and form the same pattern, so traders can predict future price movements by looking at price history that has formed in the past. Each pattern has a different shape and meaning. Chart patterns can be useful for traders to predict prices will continue or even decline. This technique is also useful for finding potential entry points. Mastering the chart pattern technique is one of the easy analyzes in trading strategies without indicators. There are types of chart patterns that traders must know, namely continuation chart patterns, reversal patterns, and bilateral chart patterns. Continuation chart pattern appears as a signal for the continuation of the price from the previous trend. The chart pattern technique