
Showing posts from March, 2023

The Right Capital For Forex Trading

For beginner traders who jump into the world of forex trading, it would be nice to try it first with relatively small capital. It aims to be able to take experiences and knowledge that will be useful in the future when trading with small capital. The measure of success in trading does not only depend on how many nominal amounts are obtained in one trade, but how traders can get consistent profits every period and can survive with the capital they have. The amount of capital needed to be able to run a trading business depends on how much a trader wants to start making a profit from this business. The first thing to consider is how the trader will gain knowledge about forex trading. There are many ways to learn forex trading, including trading classes, having mentors, or attending seminars about forex trading. If a trader takes a private forex trading course or class room, at least the trader will incur a lot of money for this. Depending on the organizer, it can be several million or eve

Leverage In Forex Trading

In the world of forex trading, there is a major factor that needs to be understood and that may not be found in other investment instruments, namely leverage. Leverage is a comparison of the trader's margin with the amount of loaned funds from the broker to increase returns. That is, traders can use margins that are smaller than the nominal forex contracts they trade. This concept is similar to a highly leveraged company, in which the company has more debt than equity. In the Forex market, many brokers offer leverage as high as 1:100. This means that for every $1,000 in a trader's account, a trader can trade up to $100,000 worth. As a trader, monitor currency movements in pips, which are the smallest unit of currency price and depend on the currency pair. Its value is only a fraction of a cent. When a currency pair like the GBP/USD moves 200 pips from 1.9400 to 1.9600, that means the move is 2 cents of the exchange rate. This is why Forex transactions have to be executed in fai

Mengenal Risiko dan Reward Dalam Swing Trading

Swing trading merupakan salah satu strategi unggulan para trader karena waku trading yang lebih santai dengan periode waktu beberapa hari hingga beberapa minggu. Strategi ini sangat memanfaatkan momentum pasar yang besar sehingga mengabaikan pergerakan harga yang kecil. Pada dasarnya, teknik swing trading adalah suatu gaya trading dimana trader memanfaatkan pergerakan harga (price swing) dari level pembukaan sampai closing. Karena itu, swing trader menyukai aset dengan volatilitas harga relatif tinggi untuk mendapatkan keuntungan sebanyak-banyaknya dalam satu atau lebih posisi trading. Dalam trading forex, strategi swing trading cocok baik pada pasangan mata uang yang sangat likuid seperti GBP/USD, EUR/USD, dan USD/JPY. Saat bertransaksi, trader cukup membeli dan memasang batas target profit dengan batas lebih jauh. Penentuan target profit pada swing trading biasanya lebih besar dari target daytrading sehingga membutuhkan waktu beberapa hari hingga mingguan agar harga bisa menyentuh ta

Preparation to Enter the World of Trading

Trading on the stock market, forex or gold is never easy, this is because the market is always changing dynamically. Trading has a very high risk, therefore traders need to have knowledge and preparation for trading. Before starting trading, traders must have this preparation to be successful in the world of trading. What preparations should traders make? Mental The psychological strength of a trader can be seen from his ability to survive (mentally, of course) from the many psychological impacts that are commonly experienced by being a trader. Simply put, the mental quality of a trader will be seen from how he reacts when he experiences a loss (or gains). Is there any bad effect or not. Experiencing losses and making profits, if traders are not careful, will have an equally bad impact on the quality of subsequent traders' trading. For example, a trader who happens to have just won several times in a row. Under such conditions, he is vulnerable to arrogant and greedy attitudes. The

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Kamis 30 Maret 2023 II Menguji Area Retest


Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Rabu 29 Maret '23


Tips dan Trik Teknikal Trading Forex untuk Pemula

Analisa teknikal adalah suatu upaya yang dilakukan untuk memprediksi arah pergerakan harga pada suatu pasangan mata uang dengan mempelajari data historis dari mata uang tersebut yang kemudian di analisis menggunakan alat teknis maupun rumus matematis. Umumnya pengguna analisis teknikal adalah trader yang ingin memanfaatkan fluktuasi harga untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. Analisis teknikal selalu menggunakan grafik untuk melakukan analisisnya. Maka dari itu, trader yang murni berpegangan pada aspek teknikal saja disebut dengan chartist. Ketika menggunakan analisa teknikal, hal pertama yang terlintas dalam pikiran adalah indikator grafik untuk mencari data historis. Data ini akan membantu trader melihat tren dan pola tertentu untuk menemukan peluang trading. Dengan mencari level harga tertentu dan pola grafik, semakin besar kemungkinan pola ini akan muncul di pasar. Sifat analisa ini sangat subjektif. Seorang trader sudah seharusnya mengerti cara menggunakan analisis teknikal untuk mendapa

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Selasa 28 Maret 2023


The Key to Using Lot Properly

The world of trading which is increasingly in demand has a variety of terms that need to be learned to be able to use them properly. One term that is often and important to use is lot. Lot in forex trading means the number of currency units traded. There are several types of lots in forex, judging by their sizes, ranging from standard, mini and micro lots. Lots in forex function to make it easier for traders to calculate the profit or loss of a transaction by multiplying the lot size with the smallest unit of transaction size. The smallest unit in forex trading is called pips. Forex sizes are divided into several categories, starting from standard lots with 100,000 units per lot, mini lots with 10,000 units per lot, to mini lots with 1000 units per lot. The size of the forex will affect the amount of profit generated from the difference in the pips movement. The lot calculation itself refers to one of the components of the risk management system which is highly recommended for traders.

How To Manage Lots For Scalping

There are some essential knowledge that traders must understand in forex trading, one of which is the lot. Lot in forex trading means the number of currency units traded. There are several types of lots in forex, judging by their sizes, ranging from standard, mini and micro lots. Understanding what forex is in trading and how to calculate it can help maximize investment returns. In addition, understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each lot can help traders determine strategies and streamline broker commission costs. Scalping is a trading strategy on a low time frame (1 minute-15 minutes) with the aim of getting quick profits. Usually scalpers don't chase too large profits, only around 5-15 pips in each transaction. Regardless of the margin and profit target, scalping on low time frames always provokes controversy. In order to be able to carry out scalping techniques properly, traders also need to pay attention to many things. In general, in several strategies other than s

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Senin 27 Maret '23 II Menguji Signal Reversal di Tengah Tekanan USD


Cara Memadukan Analisa Teknikal dan Fundamental Untuk Trading Forex

Dalam trading forex, terdapat dua jenis analisis yang digunakan oleh para trader untuk memprediksi pergerakan harga suatu instrumen finansial yaitu analisis fundamental dan teknikal. Analisis yang umum digunakan untuk trading umumnya adalah analisis teknikal. Analisis teknik teknikal adalah teknik analisa yang menganalisa fluktuasi harga dalam rentang waktu tertentu. Jenis analisis ini digunakan untuk membaca grafik harga, misalnya untuk menentukan trend arah pasar saat ini. Banyak trader yang menggunakan analisis teknikal saja sebagai panduan trading. Trader beranggapan bahwa analisis teknikal saja sudah cukup untuk memandu bertransaksi saham, forex, atau emas. Sedangkan, analisa fundamental adalah suatu metode analisis yang dilakukan pada suatu pasangan mata uang yang didasarkan pada faktor-faktor ekonomi negara dengan mata uang tersebut. Biasanya para trader akan lebih cenderung untuk memantau pergerakan dan sentimen pasar melalui berita maupun peristiwa penting hingga kondisi ekono

Economic News Has Big Impact On The Forex Market

Waiting for the release of news or economic news that affect forex is indeed thrilling. To find out the most important and most awaited data, a forex trader must diligently observe the forex calendar. Because it will have a big influence on price movements and automatically have a big effect on trader profits. Generally, traders only know about non-farm payrolls (NFP) news and interest rate hikes which greatly affect price movements, but in fact there is still a lot of other news which is very influential on price movements in the forex market. News releases generally affect market sentiment quickly, especially if the news release is related to the state of a country's economy (GDP reports, reports on jobless claims, to changes in central bank rates). If observed, there will usually be a tug-of-war between buyers and sellers some time before the release of the news. This condition will be indicated by the formation of a doji candlestick whose tail and head are almost the same lengt

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Jum'at 24 Maret '23 II Krisis Global Masih Menjadikan Emas Pilihan Invest


Choosing The Right Time To Trade

Time in trading refers to a fragment of the time period used by a trader to make a trade. Fragments of this time period can vary from a few minutes to several days, weeks, or months. The time frame is an important aspect for traders to pay attention to in order to be able to analyze asset prices correctly and get optimal profits. A time frame is a timeframe on a price chart that reflects current conditions and trends in the financial market. A trader should choose a time frame that suits their trading style. So before choosing a time frame, a trader should have determined his trading style. Choosing a time frame that suits your trading style will increase the chances of good trading performance, because there is a match. In principle, every time frame can be profitable. Trading opportunities can appear on any time frame. If done correctly and with discipline, profitable trading can be done in any time frame. It's up to the trader to decide which time frame to use. Watch the full vi

Price Action Relying on Support and Resistance?

In investing or trading, the ability to observe price movements is an important aspect and must be understood by investors or traders. Especially in the world of trading, monitoring price movements has a very big contribution to the potential profits that traders might get. If you misread price movements, not only does it reduce the potential for profit, the risk of experiencing losses will also be greater. This is because price movements often form the basis of decisions for investors or traders regarding their investment portfolios and assets. The movement in question is price action. Price action is a methodology for speculating financial markets which consists of analyzing the underlying price movement over time. It is used by many retail traders and often by institutional traders and hedge fund managers to make predictions about the future direction of prices or financial markets. Simply put, price action is how prices change, that is, price action. This is most easily observed in

Analisa XAU-USD hari ini Kamis 23 Maret '23 II Emas Akan Melandai di kisaran...Sebelum Bersinar Lagi


Fokus Pada Manajemen Resiko II Tradingmu Akan Lebih Sukses

Manajemen risiko yaitu salah satu pilar penting dalam trading forex. Seorang trader harus memikirkan hal ini sebelum memulainya. Hal ini bukanlah soal berapa keuntungan yang bisa trader capai, namun berapa lama trader mampu bertahan di pasar forex yang sangat kompetitif. Oleh karena itu, hal ini harus menjadi perhatian khusus oleh para trader, terutama bagi pemula. Sebaiknya untuk bisa menggunakan dan membiasakan diri dengan pengaturan manajemen risiko trading forex yang baik. Dengan begitu, risiko terburuk sekalipun trader akan mudah untuk menghadapinya. Ada cara yang bisa trader pelajari dalam menjalankan manajemen risiko trading. Inilah beberapa cara mudah untuk menjalankan manajemen risiko: Stop Loss Cara paling mudah yang bisa trader lakukan yaitu dengan stop loss. Disini trader cukup memberikan stop order dibawah harga beli dan diatas ketika ingin menjualnya. Cara ini mampu mengurangi resiko kerugian bagi para trader. Sehingga ada baiknya untuk menggunakan manajemen

Using Candle Structures For Day Trading

In trading and forex, there are lots of strategies that traders can use. One way is to choose day trading, aka open and close positions on the same day. Day trading or daily trading is a step to buy and sell forex on the same day. This means that positions opened on that day are not transferred to the next trading session or the following day. By making these short transactions, traders will get a small profit, but if done regularly it will be quite tempting. Day traders have 2 important functions in the market. First, day traders maintain market efficiency through arbitrage. Second, it helps provide a lot of market liquidity. In addition to the two functions above, day traders also have characteristics and capital that traders need to know, namely day trading has experience about the market. Usually day traders already understand the market fundamentals well. Apart from that, day traders also have strategies that traders can use such as news trading, swing trading, and arbitrage. Not

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Selasa 21 Maret '23


Tips for Using Daily Range Market

One of the strategies commonly used by forex traders is to take advantage of the daily average range. Many argue that if the price has moved and reached its daily range then it's time to open a position. This means that if the price moves up and has reached the daily average range then it's time to sell, and vice versa. In this way, traders will be able to secure the profits that have been obtained from the transactions that traders have made. Traders can still maintain positions and re-analyze market reactions when prices reach their daily average range. If the price movement continues, the trader can maintain the trader's position. Conversely, if there are signs that the market is starting to get saturated, then traders can estimate that the momentum of price movements has started to decrease and that might be the right time to close a position. But there are things to remember that this method should be part of the trader's overall trading strategy. Likewise if it tu

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Rabu 15 Maret '23 II Gold akan Kembali Menguat setelah Break di area ...


Kesalahan Fatal Trader yang Harus Kalian Hindari!! 95% Trader Bangkrut Karena Hal Ini

Banyak trader pemula yang terjun ke dunia trading forex membawa harapan dan target besar untuk sukses di dunia trading. Namun, ternyata hanya beberapa orang saja yang sukses dari bisnis trading ini. Karena dalam bisnis ini tidak berhubungan dengan keberuntungan namun lebih berkaitan pada keputusan yang diambil trader itu sendiri. Kesalahan adalah hal wajar, sebuah elemen manusiawi dan proses yang baik untuk belajar. Begitu pun trader, mungkin pernah mengabaikan pengaturan finansial, belok dari rencana yang sudah disusun, atau terlalu bersemangat mengincar keuntungan besar yang berujung kerugian. Pengalaman pahit ini yang pada akhirnya melatih mental trader, dari trader pemula menjadi trader profesional atau berpengalaman. Trader yang sudah menempuh banyak pengalaman memiliki ciri kerja yang terstruktur, seperti rencana yang tersusun untuk masuk ke suatu transaksi, waktu yang tepat untuk masuk dan keluar, jumlah modal yang terukur untuk diinvestasikan, serta kerugian maksimal yang dapat

2 Confirm Forex Market Entries

Forex entry and exit is one of the things traders will often do. Forex entry is a position in which the trader must enter the foreign exchange or foreign exchange buying and selling market. Entry is very important and determines the final result in forex trading. Measurable and efficient entry methods will determine long-term trading success. However, many traders think entry is an easy thing to do and don't look for the best possible entry to get optimal trading results. The right entry will provide better risk/reward potential, including placing an adequate stop loss. Here are 2 confirmations of forex market entry: Triggers After analyzing market direction and getting the results of the analysis, the next step is to wait for confirmation or triggers to appear to strengthen trader entries. The use of this trigger will minimize the trader's entry being exposed to floating for too long. Triggers are events that meet the criteria for initiating a transaction, usually a market con

Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Selasa 14 Maret '23 II Emas Akan terkoreksi Turun sblum Kuat Naik hingga...


Cara Entry Menggunakan Retest dan Retracement

Dalam memperkirakan pergerakan harga currency pair, trader bisa menggunakan garis trend yang menghubungkan satu titik harga dengan titik yang lainnya. Namun sayangnya, garis trend ini bisa terganggu oleh dua hal yaitu reversal dan retracement. Retracement adalah perubahan trend harga dalam waktu singkat. Dengan kata lain, retracement sama dengan koreksi. Retracement bertujuan untuk menguji kuat naik atau turun, sehingga tren akan ketemu berbalik atau tidak. Biasanya pergerakan retracement kurang dari 50%, ketika sudah diatas 75% retracement akan lanjut. Retracement bisa terjadi karena ada sebagian trader yang melakukan take profit atau cut loss, tetapi sebagian besar trader lainnya masih memegang posisi mereka sehingga ada kenaikan atau penurunan harga aset dalam waktu singkat. Retest adalah proses pengujian ulang zona harga yang sebelumnya telah ditembus harga. Harga kembali ke support resistance setelah berhasil break atau menghentikan laju tren (bearish atau bullish). Kembalinya har

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Senin 13 Maret '23 II Bullish Masih akan Berlanjut Hingga...


Jam Berapapun Bisa Trading, Begini Cara Analisanya

Trading adalah aktivitas yang mengacu pada tindakan pembelian dan penjualan di pasar modal dalam waktu singkat untuk mendapatkan untung sebesar-besarnya. Salah satu aktivitas trading yang mungkin sering didengar yaitu trading forex atau valuta asing. Keuntungan yang didapat dari aktivitas trading ini berasal dari selisih harga jual dan harga beli dimana trader harus cermat menentukan kapan membeli mata uang di saat harganya rendah dan menjualnya di saat harganya tinggi. Pasar forex sejatinya dibuka 24 jam sehari dan 5 hari dalam seminggu terdiri dari bank, perusahaan komersial yang berbeda, bank sentral, hedge fund, perusahaan manajemen investasi, belum lagi broker forex ritel dan investor di seluruh dunia. Berbagai trader di seluruh dunia punya zona waktu sendiri-sendiri, sehingga pasar trading dibuka selama 24 jam. Akan tetaapi, dalam 24 jam itu, pasar yang dibuka berbeda-beda, sehingga para trader juga harus pandai memilih mana yang tepat untuk trader. Jam trading adalah wawasan das

How To Manage Lots For Scalping

There are some essential knowledge that traders must understand in forex trading, one of which is the lot. Lot in forex trading means the number of currency units traded. There are several types of lots in forex, judging by their sizes, ranging from standard, mini and micro lots. Understanding what forex is in trading and how to calculate it can help maximize investment returns. In addition, understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each lot can help traders determine strategies and streamline broker commission costs. Scalping is a trading strategy on a low time frame (1 minute-15 minutes) with the aim of getting quick profits. Usually scalpers don't chase too large profits, only around 5-15 pips in each transaction. Regardless of the margin and profit target, scalping on low time frames always provokes controversy. In order to be able to carry out scalping techniques properly, traders also need to pay attention to many things. In general, in several strategies other than s

Economic News Has Big Impact on Forex Market

Waiting for the release of news or economic news that affect forex is indeed thrilling. To find out the most important and most awaited data, a forex trader must diligently observe the forex calendar. Because it will have a big influence on price movements and automatically have a big effect on trader profits. Generally, traders only know about non-farm payrolls (NFP) news and interest rate hikes which greatly affect price movements, but in fact there is still a lot of other news which is very influential on price movements in the forex market. News releases generally affect market sentiment quickly, especially if the news release is related to the state of a country's economy (GDP reports, reports on jobless claims, to changes in central bank rates). If observed, there will usually be a tug-of-war between buyers and sellers some time before the release of the news. This condition will be indicated by the formation of a doji candlestick whose tail and head are almost the same lengt

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Jum'at 10 Maret 2023


Perbaiki Hal Ini Jika Belum Bisa Profit Konsisten di Forex

Belakangan ini semakin banyak orang yang berminat dengan dunia trading. Hal ini tidak lain dan tidak bukan karena adanya teknologi yang memudahkan sistem trading dan komunikasi visual secara keseluruhan. Terdapat banyak instrument trading yang bisa trader perdagangkan. Masing-masing instrumen memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda. Banyak dari trader mungkin penasaran mengenai cara efektif apa yang harus dilakukan agar bisa mendapatkan profit konsisten di forex trading, namun satu hal yang pasti tidak ada cara cepat atau jalan pintas untuk mendapatkan profit di trading forex. Namun, nyatanya belajar trading forex tidak semudah yang trader bayangkan. Hal tersebut terbukti dari banyaknya orang yang baru belajar forex akan cepat sekali bangkrut. Oleh sebab itu, sebelum trader memulai trading forex, sebaiknya trader mengetahui cara-caranya terlebih dahulu. Time Frame Di bisnis trading tidak akan lepas dari penggunaan time frame. Hal tersebut juga berkaitan dengan cara para tr

Cara Menentukan Titik Entry Yang Tepat dan Winrate Tinggi

Aktivitas entry dan exit forex adalah salah satu hal yang akan sering dilakukan oleh para trader. Inilah hal-hal mengenai masuk dan keluar forex yang harus trader pelajari. Sebagaimana yang diketahui, posisi entry adalah point yang penting, dan sangat berpengaruh dalam menentukan hasil akhir dalam trading forex. Artinya, jika trader memasukkan posisi entry dengan presisi, maka hal tersebut akan menentukan hasil trading trader dalam jangka panjang. Dengan entry yang tepat pula maka akan membentuk risk reward yang baik. Secara umum, entry memang dianggap sebagai hal yang mudah dilakukan. Namun pada prakteknya, tidak banyak trader yang dapat memanfaatkannya secara baik. Padahal jika peran ini dapat dilakukan dengan baik dan efisien, maka itu artinya hasil trading yang trader lakukan dapat meraih profit yang besar. Inilah salah satu cara agar entry tidak salah dalam trading yang harus diketahui oleh para trader semua agar tidak salah lagi dalam entry trading. Struktur Candle atau Arah Tren

Choosing The Right Time To Trade

Time in trading refers to a fragment of the time period used by a trader to make a trade. Fragments of this time period can vary from a few minutes to several days, weeks, or months. The time frame is an important aspect for traders to pay attention to in order to be able to analyze asset prices correctly and get optimal profits. A time frame is a timeframe on a price chart that reflects current conditions and trends in the financial market. A trader should choose a time frame that suits their trading style. So before choosing a time frame, a trader should have determined his trading style. Choosing a time frame that suits your trading style will increase the chances of good trading performance, because there is a match. In principle, every time frame can be profitable. Trading opportunities can appear on any time frame. If done correctly and with discipline, profitable trading can be done in any time frame. It's up to the trader to decide which time frame to use. Watch the full vi

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD/GOLD Hari ini Rabu 08 Maret 2023


Lakukan Ini Jika Ingin Menjadikan Trading Pekerjaan

Trading secara umum merupakan konsep ekonomi dasar yang meliputi kegiatan jual beli barang dan jasa. Keuntungan dari aktivitas Trading didapat dari kompensasi yang dibayarkan seorang pembeli pada penjual, atau pertukaran barang maupun jasa antara dua pihak. Trading tidak hanya bisa dilakukan dengan orang-orang dari negeri yang sama, tetapi juga secara global yang disebut dengan perdagangan internasional. Banyak dari seorang trader menjadikan trading ini menjadi pekerjaan utama. Menjadikan trading pekerjaan utama tidak salah, tetapi ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan oleh trader, yaitu: Kontrol Emosi Salah satu kesalahan yang umum dilakukan trader pemula adalah trading dengan emosi. Baik emosi negatif maupun positif, semuanya saling berhubungan dalam trading forex. Dan jika tidak dikontrol, emosi dapat berpengaruh buruk terhadap rencana trading berikutnya.  Mengetahui bagaimana mengendalikan emosi saat trading dapat membuktikan perbedaan antara keberhasilan dan kegagalan dalam ber

Price Action Relying on Support and Resistance?

In investing or trading, the ability to observe price movements is an important aspect and must be understood by investors or traders. Especially in the world of trading, monitoring price movements has a very big contribution to the potential profits that traders might get. If you misread price movements, not only does it reduce the potential for profit, the risk of experiencing losses will also be greater. This is because price movements often form the basis of decisions for investors or traders regarding their investment portfolios and assets. The movement in question is price action. Price action is a methodology for speculating financial markets which consists of analyzing the underlying price movement over time. It is used by many retail traders and often by institutional traders and hedge fund managers to make predictions about the future direction of prices or financial markets. Simply put, price action is how prices change, that is, price action. This is most easily observed in

Entri Dengan Trigger Reversal

Trigger merupakan kondisi pasar, seperti kenaikan atau penurunan harga indeks atau sekuritas yang memicu urutan perdagangan. Trigger digunakan untuk mengotomatisasi jenis trade tertentu. Trigger membantu trader mengotomatiskan strategi entry dan exit trader terlalu dini, terlambat, atau melakukan trader yang tidak seharusnya. Trader memerlukan trigger secara real time untuk memberi tau trader bahwa sekarang lah saatnya untuk bertindak. Sebelum trading, para trader dapat memiliki satu atau beberapa zona keputusan, setelah itu bersabar dan menunggu harga mencapai zona tersebut. Setelah harga mencapai zona tersebut, para trader dapat mencari pemicu dan pola konfirmasi, yaitu saat aksi harga mengkonfirmasi breakout dan bounce. Pola konfirmasi yaitu pola candlestick yang menyarankan para trader memasang posisi mengikuti arah pergerakan sesuai dengan pola yang muncul atau mengkonfirmasi arah harga tertentu di zona keputusan. Indikator dapat memberikan entri trading yang objektif karena amban

Using Candle Structures For Day Trading

In trading and forex, there are lots of strategies that traders can use. One way is to choose day trading, aka open and close positions on the same day. Day trading or daily trading is a step to buy and sell forex on the same day. This means that positions opened on that day are not transferred to the next trading session or the following day. By making these short transactions, traders will get a small profit, but if done regularly it will be quite tempting. Day traders have 2 important functions in the market. First, day traders maintain market efficiency through arbitrage. Second, it helps provide a lot of market liquidity. In addition to the two functions above, day traders also have characteristics and capital that traders need to know, namely day trading has experience about the market. Usually day traders already understand the market fundamentals well. Apart from that, day traders also have strategies that traders can use such as news trading, swing trading, and arbitrage. Not

Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Senin 06 Maret '23 II Emas Masih ada Kecenderungan Naik Hingga 1867 jika...
