
Showing posts from September, 2022

Hal Yang Harus Dilakukan Saat Floating Minus

Dalam perdagangan pasangan mata uang atau dikenal dengan forex, fluktuasi naik dan turun harga berlangsung singkat. Banyak trader yang membiarkan posisi floating minus hingga ratusan atau bahkan ribuan pips dengan harapan bahwa harga akan berbalik dan membuat hasil trading menjadi profit. Namun tanpa disadari hal inilah yang justru membuat banyak trader mengalami kerugian yang besar bahkan kehabisan dana (MC). Floating dalam trading yaitu posisi yang mengambang, belum ditutup, di closed atau di eksekusi. Jika perencanaan dan kondisi psikologis trader dalam kondisi yang tidak benar-benar siap, maka terkadang posisi order akan mengalami floating minus. Bahkan jika trader membiarkannya hingga berlangsung berminggu-minggu, maka sedikit demi sedikit equity trader akan terus berkurang disamping floating minus yang sedang trader hadapi. Dalam kondisi ini pula trader sedang diuji ketahanan modal terhadap penggunaan lot. Tanpa disadari, selain menggerogoti modal, hal ini juga dapat menghancu

Technical Analyze Using of Price Movements

The term forex may become familiar if a trader enters the world of investment because forex trading is widely referred to as a promising money-making field. Even so, it doesn't mean that everyone can be sure to profit when trading forex.  Forex is trading one currency for another. These forex transactions occur in forex market or also familiar as the forex market. The forex market is the largest and  most liquid market in the world by daily trading volume. Most of the trading done through banks, brokers, and  financial institutions. In forex trading, there are several types of analysis namely technichal and fundamental analysis. Technical analysis is how to analyzing asset price movement in financial markets using statistical tools, such as graphs and mathematical formulas. The goal of technical analysis is so that investors or traders can asssess current market conditions based on price of history in past, as well as provide an overview or prediction of future market movements Tec

How to Face High Volatile Forex Market?

One way to look for profit opportunities in forex trading is to detect price trends. Uptrend or bullish conditions, where prices move up, can be an opportunity to open buy positions. While the opportunity to  open sell positions can be sought during a downtrend or bearish, namely when the price has decreased. The market market is unpredictable because prices go up and down that is unpredictable. However, knowing uptrend or downtrend is not enough. often the emerging trend is not strong enough and suddenly reverses direction again. In fact, sideways often occur, namely conditions when prices fluctuate up and down without any sign that prices will strengthen in one direction. In general, sideways markets are the result of the price movements between strong support and resistance levels. This condition makes the price movements of an asset tend to be flat for a long time before starting a new trend which may increase or even decrease. On the other hand, volume, which is an important indic

Risk Reward Ratio Untuk Intraday Trading

Analisis dan prediksi memang tidak bisa lepas dari trading. Tanpa analisis, risiko rugi tidak bisa dikontrol. Namun, analisis yang trader buat juga tidak selalu tepat, sehingga kadang trader mengalami kerugian. Untuk mengatur agar kerugian keseluruhan masih di bawah atas, trader bisa gunakan risk to reward ratio. Risk to reward ratio (RRR) adalah perbandingan batas risiko rugi dan target profit dalam setiap transaksi yang trader buat setiap kali membuka posisi trading. Dengan mengetahui risk and reward ratio, trader bisa meningkatkan performa trading serta menambah keyakinan pada sistem trading yang digunakan. Trader bisa mengatur agar dalam sekali loss, profit tidak langsung ludes semua dan dalam jangka panjang selisih profit dan loss pada balance menjadi lebih banyak surplusnya. Sebelum melakukan transaksi, hal pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah melihat apakah syarat-syarat untuk buka posisi sudah terpenuhi (pergerakan harga sudah sesuai analisis, modal, dan leverage cukup dan sesu

Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini Jum'at 30 Sept '22 || Saat Harga Naik Menembus MA-20, Apa yang Terjadi?


Characteristics of a Powerful Doji Candle

Doji candlestick is one of the most common types of candlesticks on a trading chart. Doji itself will describe a hesitation in the market that will serve as a reversal signal that is up or down. Doji is unique patterns in candlestick charts, a common chart type for trading. It is characterized by having a small length, which indicates a small trading range. Its small length means that the opening and opening prices of the traded financial asset are the same or have a small difference. Doji candlesticks can be in the form of a plus sign, a cross, or an inverted cross. Doji is used to depict market indecision and serve as signals for reversals in an up or down trending market. Dragonfly Doji The dragonfly doji pattern will be formed when there is price turbulence between bullish and bearish traders. It is quite difficult to develop a trading strategy when in the dragonfly pattern because this pattern also very rarely appears on the asset price movement chart. So it is important to watch

How to Entry With Inside Bar Candle

The many indicators and techniques to analyze sometimes make traders feel confused. But the patterns contained in trading are very important and should be taken seriously. Like one of the inside bar patterns that often appear on charts. Not everything can be considered profitable because it requires a strong trend to detect a valid inside bar pattern. Many traders use the inside bar strategy because it has a high probability with an adequate risk/reward ratio. Inside bar carries one of the trading signals with the best setup. This simple candlestick pattern is able to produce consistent profits, because trading opportunities often arise when the price breaks the high or low of the previous candle. The inside bar pattern is believed to emit a very strong and profitable signal if it can be traded correctly. This formation is considered to represent the consolidation phase after a market movement occurs, so it can provide the right space for traders to enter and ride the next big move. Wa

MC Terus Karena Tidak Tahu SND dan SNR

Bagi yang sudah lama terjun di bidang forex tentu saja pernah mendengar konsep SND dan SNR, dalam bahasa Indonesia dikenal dengan nama penawaran dan permintaan. Sejatinya, pasar tidak akan ada jika tidak ada barang yang dijual maupun dibeli. Pasar forex pun demikian, karena pasar forex juga adalah tempat bertemunya penjual dan pembeli valas. Pada dasarnya, supply adalah jumlah barang yang tersedia pada satu waktu di pasar, sedangkan demand adalah jumlah barang yang diinginkan pada satu waktu. Supply dan demand merupakan sebuah area psikologis harga dimana pada area tersebut sering terjadi sideways dimana harga bisa break out area tersebut atau kembali. Istilah SNR (Support dan resistance) terbilang populer dalam dunia perdagangan forex. Ini menjadi salah satu teknik yang paling sering dipakai pada analisis teknikal. Tanpanya, trader akan mengalami kesulitan dan bahkan kerugian dalam menjalankan aktivitas trading. Secara sederhana, support dan resistance diibaratkan sebagai dua atribut

Analisa XAU-USD hari ini Kamis 29 Sept '22 II Emas Sedikit Pulih sedikit Meski ditahan Naiknya Dolar


Tweezer Bottom and Tweezer Top II Body and Axis

In candlestick analysis, there are tweezer bottom and tweezer top candlestick patterns. This pattern is a pattern that appears quite rarely. The word tweezer can mean clamp if translated into Indonesian. The tweezer top pattern or tweezer bottom pattern indicates that the first candle is in a strong move, while the second candle is the reverse candle that reverses the previous movement where there has been a short-term shift in momentum, and traders should be familiar with it. Tweezer Bottom Tweezer bottom is a bullish reversal pattern, namely the reversal of the price direction from the previous price decline, towards a bullish (up) or technical rebound. The first candlestick in the tweezers bottom pattern should be a bearish candlestick with a large real body followed by a bullish candlestick with a short real body. The two candles forming the tweezer bottom pattern must be at the same level. This pattern is more reliable can be seen in the context of a wider price chart (large timef

Technical Analysis Is Always Wrong! Try This Way!

Technical analysis is considered to have more tools than fundamental analysis. However, because it is quite difficult to use, it requires a deep understanding to be able to use it properly. Technical analysis is an analytical technique that is usually used by traders to help buy and sell decisions in trading stocks, forex, gold, or commodities. An analytical technique that analyzes price fluctuations within a certain time span. From these price movements, traders observe certain patterns that can be used as a basis for buying or selling. Here's how to analyze technical that can be applied by traders: Identify the Nearest Trend Direction In trading, being late in recognizing trend changes can be fatal to a trader's capital. Trends are friends that traders need to embrace. Trend is a representation of market power. Of course traders can't go against the trend. Since they cannot fight the market, the only way is for the trader to follow where the market is moving. To get maxim

Hal Yang Perlu Kalian Ketahui Sebelum Melakukan Recovery

Kerugian trading forex adalah hal yang barangkali akan menimpa siapa saja, terlebih lagi trader forex pemula, yang berinvestasi di dunia trading forex. Entah itu kerugian saham maupun emas, banyak para trader yang diketahui mengalami hal ini. Bahkan, hampir seluruh trader pernah mengalami kerugian beruntun yang menyebabkan panik, stress, bahkan sampai frustasi. Untuk trader ketahui juga, di market trading forex maupun saham, kerugian beruntun dapat terjadi kapan saja dan tidak bisa diduga atau dihindari. Disisi lain, menyikapi kerugian trading ini, banyak pula trader yang bertindak emosional setelahnya. Inilah cara mengurangi kerugian dalam trading forex yaitu recovery. Recovery Recovery adalah bagian risk management yang sangat penting untuk dikuasai, tanpa mampu menguasai risk management atau melakukan recovery dengan baik, maka akan sangat sulit untuk bisa bertahan lama di dunia trading. Karena dengan melakukan recovery, para trader dapat mengurangi kerugian dan dapat memaksimalkan

Analisa XAU-USD hari ini Selasa 28 Sept '22 II Emas Masih akan Tertahan di Area Konsolidasi 46-21


The Importance of Knowing Market Sessions For Forex Trading

Forex trading is a very dynamic business and investment due to the fast movement of money around the world. Because forex trading is according to traders to transact in international money markets, traders must understand trading hours, or the time at which certain forex markets are opened for transactions. Traders around the world have their own trading time zones, so the trading market is open 24 hours. However, in those 24 hours, the markets that are opened are different, so traders must also be good at choosing the right one in the selection of time. Through the division of these sessions and the forex market that continues throughout the day, transactions can be made according to the busyness of the traders and the time zone. Asian Trading Zone Starting from 04.00 WIB to 14.00 WIB. There are two popular markets, namely the Chinese market which opens at 07.00 WIB and the Tokyo market which opens at 06.00 WIB. Most of the traders in Indonesia who trade through the Asian market. Curr

Retest and Retracement Trading Strategy

In forex trading, there are terms retest and retracement that traders may often hear. What do retests and retracements mean? Retracement A retracement is a price movement that goes against the trend in a short period of time. Broadly speaking, a retracement is a condition for a temporary or temporary reversal of direction to then continue the previous initial condition. Some examples of recognizable retracement signs are: 1. The occurrence of profit taking by some traders. However, these traders are only a minority. Meanwhile, the majority of traders maintain their positions because there is no news or events that indicate that the trend will reverse direction, so that the trend will return to its origin when the correction caused by the profit taking of some minority traders has been completed. 2. The price is near a certain psychological level, but that psychological level is not an important resistance level in the long term. 3. Does not have a specific form of candle pattern and pr

Bedakan Scalping, Intraday, dan Swing Trading

Setiap orang memiliki keunikan masing-masing, mulai dari kepribadian, bakat dan preferensinya. Hal yang sama juga terjadi pada trading, baik saham, forex, emas. Perbedaan karakter antara satu trader dengan trader lainnya akan membuat masing-masing memiliki karakter trading yang berbeda. Trader-trader tersebut memiliki dasar analisis masing-masing dalam menentukan langkah untuk mengejar keuntungan, dan memiliki pertimbangan yang berbeda pula dalam memandang jangka waktu tradingnya. Tipe trading erat kaitannya dengan karakter seorang trader forex. Karakter masing-masing trader forex sendiri juga berbeda satu sama lain, itulah sebabnya tipe tradingnya pun juga berbeda-beda. Namun begitu, masih banyak trader forex yang tidak mengetahui tipe trader seperti apa sebenarnya. Inilah tipe trader umum yang ada di pasar forex: Scalping Scalping adalah gaya trading yang dilakukan dalam waktu sangat pendek, biasanya dalam hitungan detik atau menit. Gaya trading ini sangat aktif, namun hanya berusah

🔴 Analisa XAU-USD hari ini Selasa 27 Sept '22 II Seller masih Berpotensi Lanjut Hari ini Meski Tipis


Valid Engulfing Characteristics for Entry

Engulfing candlesticks are often created in forex trading. Historically, often as a trader's reference in showing trend reversals. Basically, the engulfing candle is a pattern consisting of 2 candlestick bars. This scheme is divided into two sides, namely bullish or bearish. Where this pattern can appear is marked by the last candlestick bar swallowing or engulfing the previous candlestick bar. This means that the last candle has a longer body than the previous candle. In addition, the engulfing candle pattern will be more valid when there is a short tail or no tail. Meanwhile, when the long tail appears, it reflects the uncertainty of the direction of price movements or the tendency for consolidation to occur. For a trending market, this pattern seems to be a sign that a trend reversal or reversal will occur. This is because many traders assume that the stronger the trend, the higher the probability. Coupled with a greater level of accuracy at higher time frames. So, the higher th

Signs the Forex Market is Starting to Weak and Will Turn Around

One way to look for profit opportunities in forex trading is to detect price trends. Uptrend or bullish conditions, where prices move up, can be an opportunity to open long positions. While the opportunity to open a short position can be sought during a downtrend or bearish, namely when the price has decreased. However, knowing the uptrend or downtrend is not enough. Often the emerging trend is not strong enough and suddenly reverses direction again. In fact, sideways often occur, namely conditions when prices fluctuate up and down without any sign that prices will strengthen in one direction. To measure the strength of the trend, traders only need to analyze the high position during an uptrend and low position during a downtrend. If the trader sees a higher high, or a new high that is higher than the previous high, it means that the uptrend is still strong. On the other hand, if a trader sees a lower low, or a new low that is lower than the previous low, it can be indicated that the d

Cara Sederhana Tapi Profit

Banyak dari trader mungkin penasaran mengenai cara efektif apa yang harus dilakukan agar bisa mendapatkan profit konsisten di forex trading, namun satu hal yang pasti tidak ada cara cepat atau jalan pintas untuk mendapatkan profit di trading forex. Forex merupakan suatu jenis perdagangan atau transaksi yang memperdagangkan jenis mata uang suatu negara terhadap mata uang suatu negara terhadap mata uang negara lainnya. Perdagangan forex berlangsung selama 24 jam. Orang-orang membeli ataupun menjual mata uang di pasar forex ini. Untuk prinsip perdagangan di pasar forex, dapat trader katakan cukup mirip dengan pasar lain pada umumnya. Prinsipnya adalah membeli harga rendah dan menjual harga tinggi. Tujuan dari perdagangan forex ialah untuk memperkirakan arah perubahan harga. Dengan begitu, maka trader dapat memperoleh keuntungan dari selisih harga jual dan beli. Namun, nyatanya belajar trading forex tidak semudah yang trader bayangkan. Hal tersebut terbukti dari banyaknya orang yang baru b

🔴Analisa XAU-USD hari ini! 26 Sept '22 || Emas Masih akan Turun Mendekati 1627 meski di 'Tolak'


Characteristics of a Good Broker

Forex trading is one of the new trends currently in demand by many people. Both the old and the millennial generation and various groups have started to enter the world of forex trading. Forex trading can be done by traders using the broker as a place or means of conducting foreign currency or forex trading activities. There have been many forex brokers circulating with various offers that traders make to captivate the hearts of many people. The role of the broker is very large, namely as a liaison between traders and the forex market. However, choose a broker that has high quality and guaranteed security. Because, there are many cases of broker fraud that cause anxiety. In order not to be deceived, first identify the characteristics of the best and safe brokers to use: The existence of an official business license The characteristics of a trusted forex broker are having an official business license, in Indonesia a good broker must register his company with BAPPEBTI. Brokers below that

Catatan Kecil Untuk Memperbaiki Cara Trading

Banyak trader terutama trader pemula yang sering melakukan kesalahan dalam trading. Kesalahan yang dilakukan ini dapat merusak trading. Namun, tidak perlu di khawatirkan karena kesalahan tersebut dapat diperbaiki dengan memperhatikan candle atau candlestick yang ada dalam trading forex. Candlestick umumnya digunakan untuk trading jangka pendek, sehingga lebih cocok digunakan oleh trader. Trader, untuk menjadi seorang trader handal, harus memiliki strategi trading sendiri. Ada banyak ilmu analisa teknikal yang bisa dipelajari oleh para trader. Mulai dari strategi menggunakan indikator, hingga price action, dapat dipelajari oleh trader. Tetapi dari semua strategi trading yang ada, tidak bisa terlepas dari ilmu candlestick, yang sudah terbukti menjadi acuan dasar bagi semua trader. Istilah candlestick digunakan banyak trader untuk menunjukkan harga. Karena secara visual grafik candlestick mudah dipahami dan informasi yang disajikan dalam setiap candlestick cukup lengkap, termasuk harga p

About Brokerage and Its Price!

Forex is one part of investing or trading which is known to have risks for traders who are involved in it. However, this does not dampen the interest of traders to carry out forex trading activities. There are various reasons why many people are now looking to forex trading as an additional source of income or a main job. Forex is indeed a type of instrument that attracts the attention of many parties, both investors and the public in general. Playing forex can indeed make the coffers increase. But when they want to enter the world of forex, traders cannot directly make transactions. Traders need the help of a broker because the first thing a trader has to do is create an account with a broker. A broker is a company that functions as a mediator or a third person who connects traders and the forex market by having a broker account, so buying and selling foreign money is easy to do. Each brokerage company has its own rules, the amount of deposit from one broker to another is also differe

Don't Analyze The Market In a Hurry

Trading is an activity of trading investment instruments in a short period of time. Trading activity is a trading activity that can provide profits in a short time span. Therefore, to trade, a trader needs to be careful in choosing the investment instrument he buys. Technical analysis is an analytical technique commonly used by traders to assist buying and selling decisions in trading forex, stocks and commodities. This analysis usually analyzes the rise and fall of prices within a certain time span and buying and selling. Forex technical analysis is an analytical method used to predict the direction of future price movements by looking at price data for the previous period that has been formed and displayed on a chart. In this case the trader must understand the chart that is commonly used in technical analysis first so that the trader can find out the ups and downs of price movements. Here are some that traders should understand: Determine Support and Resistance Levels In forex tradi

Analisa Teknikal Untuk Profit 20 Pips Sehari

Dalam dunia investasi ada banyak sekali hal yang perlu trader pelajari termasuk analisa teknikal forex. Teknikal forex sebenarnya tidak serumit apa yang trader bayangkan. Ada berbagai cara yang bisa trader lakukan untuk mempelajari analisa teknik forex. Analisa teknikal adalah teknik analisa yang biasanya digunakan oleh trader untuk membantu keputusan jual beli dalam trading saham, forex, emas, atau komoditas. Analisa teknikal adalah teknik analisa yang menganalisa fluktuasi harga dalam rentang waktu tertentu. Dari pergerakan harga tersebut trader mengamati pola-pola tertentu yang dapat dipakai sebagai dasar untuk melakukan pembelian atau penjualan. Pengaturan analisa teknikal umumnya dimulai dengan price action sebagai bentuk evaluasi awal. Hal pertama yang perlu diingat saat menggunakan sebuah indikator adalah bahwa ini merupakan fungsi dari price action. Price action adalah studi atau analisa pergerakan harga di pasar. Trader menggunakan indikator ini untuk membentuk opini dan keput

The Most Basic Knowledge of Forex Trading

Forex trading is indeed known as an active financial strengthening activity. Trading is different from investing in which activities tend to be passive. Even so, both forex trading and forex investment are considered capable of presenting promising profits. Many people have started to be interested in learning forex trading in order to increase their financial strength in the future. However, it should be realized that forex trading has a very high risk. So traders need to have the basics of forex trading. Even though traders have understood all kinds of knowledge and good steps from learning forex trading, traders also need to understand what risks can come to traders when they start trading forex seriously. There are many factors that can be analyzed to present a variety of risk projections that will be present. Risk will always exist in every trading activity, but with a deep understanding and good management, traders can determine the loss tolerance limit or traders can launch a wi

Analisa XAU-USD Hari ini, Emas Masih akan Naik Meski 'Tipis' di tengah Tekanan Bearish


Intraday Trading With Price Action

The price action strategy is one of the strategies in trading that is much favored by traders, both beginners and professional traders. This strategy is known for its simplicity and ease in analyzing the market. Price action is a method that helps forecast market movements by detecting patterns or signals in the underlying market price fluctuations. In trading, price action is used to see the performance of a security, index, commodity, or currency and predict what it can do in the future. The market has data in the form of graphs about the price movements of an instrument in certain periods. This graph is an illustration of the actions of several market participants, be they humans, programs or robots. This price action strategy makes some of these things as analytical indicators. All news or global events that have a direct impact on the market will be reflected in the form of graphs. In other words, only with a price action strategy, traders can see the fundamentals depicted in the

Analisa Emas Hanya Dengan 3 Langkah Ini

Pasar emas menawarkan likuiditas tinggi dan kesempatan besar untuk mendapatkan keuntungan karena posisinya yang unik dalam sistem ekonomi dan politik dunia. Sebagai salah satu mata uang paling tua di bumi, emas diperdagangkan oleh semua kalangan dari berbagai lapisan masyarakat. Trading emas adalah aktivitas jual beli emas di pasar forex tanpa harus ada perpindahan aset emas secara fisik layaknya investasi emas konvensional. Jadi, dalam trading emas yang paling penting adalah nilai yang terdapat dalam emas tersebut. Sistem trading emas sendiri mirip dengan trading saham, forex, ataupun crypto. Dari keempat jenis trading tersebut, yang membedakan hanyalah objeknya. Dalam dunia trading, emas merupakan mata uang dengan simbol XAU. Biasanya, mata uang XAU ini dikaitkan dengan nilai dolar AS (XAU/USD). Pergerakan naik turun nilai dolar AS bisa menjadi acuan trader saat melakukan trading emas. Pasalnya, ketika dolar melemah biasanya harga emas akan naik. Kondisi ini menjadi saat tepat bag

This Way You Can Do When Trading Always Loss

Forex trading is a type of investment that has a risk of loss or loss, but this loss can be overcome by traders with tricks to overcome forex trading losses. One of the risks that often occurs to traders, both beginners and old, is loss. Many factors can make a trader lose, one of which is trading excessively. Therefore, it has become mandatory for traders to know how to overcome losses. Here are some tricks that can be tried to overcome losses and increase profits even more: Cut Loss Trading has a very high risk, therefore when traders want to dive into the world of trading requires very careful preparation. When there is a loss in trading, the thing that traders must do is limit and anticipate losses so that they are not too large. Losses can be handled by setting a cut loss limit in accordance with the profit and the risk of loss that can be borne. The key to successful trading is to minimize losses or cut losses if the trading position is wrong. Cut loss means releasing a trading p

🔴Analisa & Prediksi XAU-USD Hari ini! 22 Sept '22 II Menguji Level Psikologis dan Trend


Analisa Teknikal Gold Hari ini Rabu 21 Sept '22 II Jelang Pengumuman Suku Bunga oleh FED


Importance of Mentors in Forex Trading

As a novice trader, traders will be able to avoid common trading mistakes. The ins and outs of forex trading can be learned from people who have been harsh and harsh witnesses in their trading careers. Being a novice trader, having a mentor is mandatory to avoid trading mistakes. Mentors have mastered trading strategies and can guide traders during trading. Quality trading information, trading training is usually welcomed by people who do not have proper insight into the intricacies of trading. The most important step is to find a good mentor, mentor must be trustworthy, experienced, practice what is taught, offer relentless support. A mentor should be reliable to those who rely on them. Mentors should be approachable as well as friendly. If a trader is looking for a mentor it is like a person who helps a trader in gaining confidence in confidence is the key to success. Mentors should have no problem discussing practical trading via email. Mentors must be able to answer specific tradin

How to Get Out of Locking Positions, Buy and Sell Loss

Often some traders are trapped in positions that are against the direction or trend of the current price movement so that the positions they have opened suffer losses. When caught in a loss, some traders choose to let it go or cut losses or locking positions. The choices made are of course based on strategy or comfort or the level of risk that can be tolerated by each trader. There are some traders who choose to lock (locking) or often also called position hedging, they actually experience a dilemma when they are about to open the lock. Many fear that their equity or balance will be depleted when unlocking. Many are also afraid to miss the price in opening the lock and try to predict (looking for predictions) where the price is the most extreme (extreme). Watch the full video and details below! More info :  Free material soft copy contact 081 258 066 174 wa/call  Private info / paid premium class (guided forever until consistent profit and independent).  Whatsapp/call 081 233 593 672 O

Simulasi Analisa Teknikal Terbaik

Analisa teknikal adalah teknik analisa yang biasanya digunakan oleh trader untuk membantu keputusan jual beli trading saham, forex, emas, atau komoditas. Cara analisis yang dipakai untuk memprediksi arah dari pergerakan harga di masa depan dengan melihat data harga pada periode sebelumnya yang sudah terbentuk dan ditampilkan dalam bagan. Dalam hal ini trader harus memahami chart yang umum dipakai pada analisa teknikal terlebih dahulu sehingga trader bisa mengetahui pergerakan harga naik turunnya. Inilah cara analisa teknikal yaitu mengenali trend saat ini. Trader perlu mengenali dan melihat trend yang sedang berlangsung saat ini. Trend tersebut mulai dari tren jangka panjang lalu trend jangka menengah dan jangka pendek. Walaupun begitu trader bisa memilih trend mana saja yang bisa dimanfaatkan dan disarankan untuk melihat trend yang jangka panjang atau manajer trend lalu ikuti. Jika trader sudah menganalisa teknikal trading terbaik yang perlu trader miliki adalah dengan transaksi yang

Always Do Wrong Entry!

Forex entry and exit activities are one of the things that traders will often do. These are things about forex entry and exit that traders should learn. As is known, the entry position is an important point, and is very influential in determining the final result in forex trading. That is, if the trader enters the entry position with precision, then it will determine the trader's trading results in the long term. With the right entry, it will form a good risk reward. In general, entry is considered an easy thing to do. But in practice, not many traders can make good use of it. In fact, if this role can be carried out properly and efficiently, then it means that the trading results that traders do can achieve large profits. This is one way so that entries are not wrong in trading that all traders must know so that they are not wrong again in trading entries. Trend In the world of trading, trends are a representation of market forces. Of course, traders can't go against the marke

Analisa Hari Ini XAUUSD 20 Sept || Emas Tertahan di area Koreksi, kala Rapat Fed makin dekat


The First Science When Using Price Action on Forex

In forex trading, there are many price indicators that can help traders analyze the direction of price movements. But before jumping into studying various indicators, it's a good idea for novice traders to prioritize learning price action first. Price action is a method that helps forecast market movements by detecting patterns or signals in the underlying market price fluctuations. In trading, price action is used to see the performance of a security, index, commodity, or currency and predict what it can do in the future. Market conditions are generally divided into two types, namely trending and consolidated (sideways). Price action can help traders identify these conditions by paying attention to their high and low prices. The process of identifying market conditions can help traders decide to open positions based on their trading style and risk management. For example, trend traders identify opportunities when price is expected to break through a resistance (support or resistan

Petunjuk Dari Pergerakan Candle Terdekat!

Candlestick trading identik dengan sebuah metode yang dikembangkan di jepang pada tahun 1700-an untuk memahami pergerakan harga besar. Candlestick diciptakan oleh pergerakan naik dan turunnya harga. Sedangkan pergerakan harga ini terkadang amat acak, di lain waktu pergerakan tersebut membentuk suatu pola. Pola ini yang lantas digunakan trader untuk menganalisis sesuatu sebelum melakukan trading. Pola umum dari candlestick adalah bullish dan bearish. Pola bullish menunjukkan bahwa harga cenderung naik, sedangkan pola bearish menunjukkan bahwa harga cenderung turun. Harus dipahami bahwa tidak ada pola yang bekerja sepanjang waktu, karena pola candlestick mewakili kecenderungan pergerakan harga. Tonton video lengkap dan detailnya dibawah ini! Note: Apabila membutuhkan Free materi dan info lebih lanjut hubungi 03315106055. Free materi soft copy hub wa admin 081258066174 Info Private/class trading premium berbayar (dibimbing selamanya sampai profit konsisten dan mandiri).

Analisa Hari Ini XAUUSD, 19 Sept '22 | Emas Masih Berpotensi Turun Imbas Kenaikan Suku Bunga


How to Identify Support and Resistance Points

On a price chart, support is a price level that holds or prevents the price from falling further when there is a downward trend in the price of an asset. When the asset price touches the support level, it is expected that the asset price will rise again and not fall further. As opposed to support, resistance is a price level that holds the price of an asset from going higher. When the price trend is continuing to climb, at some point the price of the asset will stop at one point, and this is called resistance. Knowing the support price points is important in forex trading. Analysis of key levels or market confluence levels is used to setup price action in taking positions. These price points are vital in their use because the continuation of a trend is likely to revert to its direction because the continuation of a trend is likely to revert to its direction due to the repetitive nature of the market. Watch the full video and details below! More info :  Free material soft copy contact 0

Strategi Trading Dengan Menggunakan News

Strategi ini mengandalkan trading yang berdasarkan pada berita yang saat ini sedang beredar dan juga berdasarkan pada ekspektasi pasar. Hal tersebut dapat terjadi pada berita yang sudah dirilis ataupun belum dirilis sekalipun. Ketika menggunakan strategi ini, maka memerlukan pola pikir yang kreatif dan terampil, karena berita dengan mudahnya tersebar luas secara cepat ke berbagai media. Ketika menggunakan strategi ini, jadwal berita yang akan dirilis harus ditunggu sampai benar-benar sudah dipublikasi dan memperhatikan efek awalnya yang sudah mereda. Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menunggu berita dirilis adalah kurang lebih selama 15-30 menit. Setelah menunggu, maka trader dapat merencanakan posisi masuk serta harga yang akan ditawarkan. Strategi ini mempunyai kekurangan dan kelebihan yang harus diketahui bagi para trader. Hal ini perlu diketahui oleh seorang trader karena perlu memahami ekspektasi pasar untuk kesuksesan strategi yang paling akurat ini. Strategi ini memiliki kekurangan da

3 Ways to Limit Forex Trading Risk

The forex market is the largest financial market in the world. In addition, forex is also the most crowded economic market. In forex, price movements become a very important thing to pay attention to. In forex trading, it is not always the transactions that the trader makes bears a sweet profit. Sometimes losses come to traders. There are many causes of losses, because there is no perfect focus system or strategy. But sometimes the losses that occur become too great. This is usually a human error factor there. Traders may forget some important things related to capital and risk management, such as stop loss. In the end the risk becomes uncontrollable and the losses experienced by traders become too large. Here are some ways to limit forex trading risk: Cut Loss or Stop Loss The stop loss feature is one of the menus provided to assist traders in managing the forex trading business. Stop loss is indeed very helpful, especially in minimizing losses if the selected currency exchange rate e

Practice Using Pending Orders On XAU-USD

The pending order strategy has gained popularity among futures market traders. This situation is due to the high efficiency of the working technique, which allows it to reduce the psychological stress of market participants and to open profitable positions in conditions of sharp price changes. With the help of this strategy, the profitability of a forex trade can be increased several times. This strategy can be used by beginners, as well as professionals in order to increase trading efficiency. Pending orders are orders that are not placed at the current price. Prices are set above or below the current price. If the price that the trader ordered has not been reached, then the pending order is still active and will wait until the price that the trader ordered is touched. When the price is reached, it will automatically be bought or sold. Pending orders can be divided into 2, namely pending stop orders and limit pending orders. Watch the full video and details below! More info :  Free ma

Analisa Trading Forex Hari Ini - XAU/USD | Jum'at, 16 Sept '22


Actions You Can Take When Floating Loss Trading

In carrying out forex trading, traders must experience what is called a floating minus. In fact, some have even floated down due to market conditions that move fast and far away. Floating minus is a taboo for most traders, can't stand it or doesn't feel comfortable holding floating minus for long and prefers to cut losses. Put a stop loss a few pips close to the place when the open position. Here are some actions traders take if they experience a floating minus: Cut Loss Although this method is painful in forex trading. But this is much better than the trader losing the whole capital. This method is the safest way, provided the trader does not hold a grudge against the losses that have been received. It would be better if the trader already has a fixed trading plan before the trader enters, one of which is that the trader will cut loss if he has reached a loss of a certain percentage of the trader's capital. Watch the full video and details below! More info :  Free material

How to Trade on News

One source of information that traders trust in developing their trading strategies is the release of economic news. Especially in the current era of globalization, news can be accessed more easily and broadcast live. News related to the currency market itself does not only respond to economic dynamics in the United States, but also in other countries around the world. Its power to move the market then causes economic data to become one of the important things for a trader to pay attention to. Therefore, news trading emerged as a technique that is widely used by forex traders today. Economic news releases vary in the extent to which the news affects the market. The most important economic news releases for any country are interest rate decisions from the central bank, retail sales, inflation figures, unemployment rates and industrial production. The market's initial reaction to a news release typically lasts 30 minutes to two hours, but the broader impact can last for days. News tr

Day Trading Bisa Profit Setiap Hari?

Dalam trading forex, ada banyak sekali strategi yang bisa trader gunakan. Salah satunya adalah dengan memilih day trading alias open dan close position di hari yang sama. Day trading atau trading harian merupakan langkah membeli dab menjual forex di 1 hari yang sama. Artinya posisi yang dibuka pada hari itu tidak dialihkan ke sesi perdagangan berikutnya atau hari selanjutnya. Trader harian ini memanfaatkan fluktuasi harga pada jam buka dan jam tutup market. Strategi ini mempunyai beberapa kelebihan diantaranya tidak terdapat risiko swap, risiko dapat terkontrol, waktu trading yang fleksibel dan juga peluang trading yang melimpah. Tidak terdapat risiko swap karena trading ini hanya dilakukan selama sesi trading yang terbuka dalam satu hari. Risiko dapat terkontrol karena trader membuka trading dalam jangka waktu pendek 1 sampai 4 jam saja yang memungkinkan risiko muncul dalam waktu panjang. Kelebihan lainnya yaitu waktu trading yang fleksibel dapat dilakukan oleh trader yang membuka pos